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All About: Getting to Know You by Jennifer MD Cox

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Getting to Know You

by Jennifer MD Cox

Released: May 27, 2024

Genre: Young Adult / New Adult

Why this book and why now?

My message in this story is unfortunately a relevant one at any age. In part because our society has a primarily cishet narrative about intimate partner violence, LGBT+ people (especially in same-sex relationships) are at an additional risk for domestic violent relationships. There are very few stories about understanding and healing from DV for the LGBT+ community.

Would you and your main character(s) get along?

I think so because they’re all in some ways inspired by people I look up to in my life.

What TV show would your main character(s) most likely binge watch and why?

Gwen and her mom already binge-watch “Murder, She Wrote” as a tradition they bond over. Maggie probably was a devoted Glee fan in high school because she was a closeted lesbian who loves musical theater.

What 3 things would your main character want with them if they got stranded away from civilization, and why?

Maggie would desperately want a good book, a strong hair brush, and a radio. Yes to try and send an SOS but also for music.

What song does your character put on to start your book launch party?

Maggie would choose something from musical theater, like, “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.”

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