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5 Random Things

5 Random Things5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors while having a bit of fun. These are posted weekly as part of Friday Feels Fun, which also features the top three clicked books of the week, a free book, and the pet of the week.


Originally Posted in July 12 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, S. Y. Thompson, and More

5 Random Things S.Y. Thompson Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about S. Y. Thompson.

1. I love running around barefoot, whether in the house or outside. There’s nothing like the feel of grass between my toes, and even the gravel driveway doesn’t bother me much.

2. Most people who know of me know that I’m a retired Marine and San Diego deputy sheriff. Very few know I spend my extra time these days working on a Tennessee Disaster Response Team.

3. I tend to come across as serious or reserved. I’m really a big kid who laughs out loud every morning to the antics of Scooby Doo. He’s my hero.

4. I’ve driven a three-wheeler with a cast on my arm and a motorcycle the day after reconstructive ankle surgery. The only thing that scares me are goats. Seriously, rectangular pupils?

5. I’m a quarter Cherokee and an eighth Apache. The owl is my spirit animal.

Have you read Besieging the Moon yet?

Have you read Besieging the Moon yet?


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Continue reading July 12 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, S. Y. Thompson, and More

Originally Posted in July 5 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Alexis Westmore, and More

5 Random Things Alexis Westmore graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Alexis Westmore.

1. My eye color appears to change with the clothes I wear.

2. Ice cream is my food happiness 🙂

3. Be careful wearing hats around me. I love them and I may nab yours. Then you will have to go home with your head naked. Please take all precautions. I am a work in progress.

4. I enjoy meeting people at conferences and events – feel free to introduce yourself, if you see me. If you are wearing a hat, please see fact #3

5. My secret wish is that I had more time to play pickleball.

Have you read Follow The Money yet?


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Continue reading July 5 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Alexis Westmore, and More

Originally Posted in June 28 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Elizabeth Luly, and More

5 Random Things Elizabeth Luly Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Elizabeth Luly.

1. I’m an Australian based in Melbourne, but New York was my home for 5 years. I write my books in American English and, thanks to my US beta readers, keep discovering new words and phrases that I had no idea were “Australianisms”. I’m now amazed that anyone understood me when I lived in the States!

2. While I love living in Melbourne, I miss the US. Setting my small town sapphic romance series there is a fun way to visit without paying for plane tickets and having to wrangle small children on a long haul flight.

3. I have a “lazy eye” that sometimes veers off to the left when I’m tired. I had to wear an eye patch as a kid to help it get stronger.

4. I love dogs, and after being pet-less my entire life was thrilled that my wife came with two pups. I find it hard not to include at least one dog in each of my books.

5. I speak extremely loudly (at least according to my wife, boss and toddler – “too loud mummy”) and can’t whisper to save myself.

Have you read Novel Problems yet?

Novel Problems by Elizabeth Luly


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Continue reading June 28 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Elizabeth Luly, and More

Originally Posted in June 21 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Serena J. Bishop, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

5 Random Things Serena J Bishop Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Serena J. Bishop.

1. I only know how to tie my shoes via the “bunny ears” method.

2. I’ve lived in three states: Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

3. I had such a bad screwdriver (the drink) experience in college that I still can’t drink orange juice.

4. When I was 18, I attended a pre-med camp of sorts before college, then I decided I didn’t want to be a MD.

5. I met my wife on MySpace in 2008.

Have you read Leveled yet?

Have you read Leveled yet?


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Continue reading June 21 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Serena J. Bishop, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

Originally Posted in June 14 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Ami Spencer, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

5 Random Things Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Ami Spencer.

1. I have a cat called Macavity (IYKYK) who likes to curl up and sleep while I write, but loves to wake up and play whenever we’re recording an episode of Bookish & Unbalanced.

2. I drink my coffee black; never order me a latte, or tell me it’s coffee. It’s merely warm milk which has once seen a coffee bean.

3. I once worked as a Forensic Scientist, with a specialism in controlled substances.

4. I was such a big Star Trek: Voyager fan when I was a teenager I spent weeks making a cardboard replica of a Borg Cube.

5. I am distantly related to Sir Robert Walpole, who is generally regarded as the first Prime Minister of Britain.

Have you read The Mage’s Secret yet?

Have you read The Mage's Secret yet?


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Continue reading June 14 Edition: 3 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Ami Spencer, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

Originally Posted in June 7 Edition: 4 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Eija Jimenez, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

5 Random Things Eija Jimenez Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Eija Jimenez.

1. I can talk without moving my lips.

2. I play in a queer softball league.

3. My name means “little girl” in Tagalog.

4. I got stuck in a skate bowl at the park for half an hour. My wife couldn’t pull me out. We had to ask a stranger to help.

5. I can’t swim.

Have you read The Misadventures of Getting Lainey a Date yet?

The Misadventures of Getting Lainey a Date graphic


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Continue reading June 7 Edition: 4 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Eija Jimenez, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

Originally Posted in May 31 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Annette Mori, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

5 Random Things Annette Mori Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Annette Mori.

1. I often chew gum at night while I sleep because I don’t like that yucky mouth feeling in the morning. And no, I’ve never had gum in my hair because it fell out during the night.

2. I was engaged to three different men and when my brother in law toasted me at my one and only wedding to my wife he joked about me being a runaway bride that finally got married at age 54.

3. I pulled the fire alarm in junior high because I thought without the glass it wouldn’t activate and wanted to prove that to my younger sister. It did sound the alarm and I was suspended until I could listen to a lecture from the local fire department about how irresponsible that was.

4. I’ve never submitted the first manuscript I ever wrote, instead deciding to write a sequel and submitted that one because I thought the secondary character in the first book was more interesting and she needed a backstory.

5. If it wasn’t for my wife who tempers my love of cats, I would have more than five cats and be the very definition of a crazy cat lady.

Have you read The Next Generation yet?

The Next Generation Graphic


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Continue reading May 31 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Annette Mori, Guess the Author Clue #5, and More

Originally Posted in May 24 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Cheyenne Blue, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Cheyenne Blue Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Cheyenne Blue.

1. Not much makes me cry. I’m the dry-eyed one during weepy movies and funerals, but if I see a marching band (whether the Australian Army Band Corps or two kids with a recorder and a triangle) I bawl like a baby.

2. I’ve held many jobs, including horse-riding instructor, anaesthetic tech, database programmer, wine marketer, barperson, and paralegal. The longest job though, is writer, which I’ve been doing since 1999.

3. I’ve cut my own hair most of my life. Recently, though, I’ve recruited my partner to do the back. Luckily I like haphazard hair!

4. I always wear odd socks. I buy expensive merino wool socks for my poor flat feet, but in all different colours. If I happen to pick two socks the same colour from the drawer, I’ll put one back and pick again.

5. I include a lot of dogs in my stories, and (unlike the people) the dogs are always real dogs–either belonging to friends, or dogs I’ve cared for when housesitting.

Have you read Switcheroo yet?

Switcheroo Graphic


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Continue reading May 24 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Cheyenne Blue, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in May 17 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Ruby Landers, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Ruby Landers Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Ruby Landers.

1. I’m equally a New Zealander and an Australian, having dual citizenship and having lived almost exactly half my life in each country! (Sweet as, mate)

2. I live just above a creek bed and all I can hear out my window at night are the frogs singing.

3. I used to be an Emergency Nurse. The main question people always want to know is what’s the grossest thing I’ve ever seen? I’ll never tell you though.

4. Spotify tells me I’m amongst the top 2% of Swifties. This seems excessive.

5. I have a lifelong terror of being sung Happy Birthday to. Oh god, in a restaurant where the servers bring out a cake and everyone joins in? I just died right now even imagining it.

Have you read Falls From Grace yet?

Falls From Grace graphic


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Continue reading May 17 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Ruby Landers, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in May 10 Edition: 8 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Jen-Lea Mercy, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Jen Lea Mercy Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Jen-Lea Mercy.

1. If I come across a never explored (by me) dirt road, I have to drive down it. Doing so has gotten me lost or stuck a few times!

2. I have an extensive bedtime routine. It drives my wife crazy lol.

3. I used to think ‘gaping’ was pronounced ‘gapping’!

4. I love reading and often binge read my favorite authors or series. The last one I devoured was Max Ellendale’s Four Point Universe series.

5. I’m terrified of public speaking, and yet I can’t wait for the day I’m a part of the GCLS conference.

Have you read For The 1000th Time yet?

Have you read For The 1000th Time yet?


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Continue reading May 10 Edition: 8 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Jen-Lea Mercy, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in May 3 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Elke Lakey, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Elke Lakey Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Elke Lakey.

1. I’ve been riding horses for almost 50 years

2. I love Tupperware containers and have many vintage ones

3. I can’t resist kid’s candy, especially gummies

4. I still get excited about stuff I see under the microscope despite having worked in a lab all my adult life

5. I love my life and want to experience it to the fullest

Have you read Care Less, Cowgirl yet?

Have you read Care Less, Cowgirl?


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Continue reading May 3 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Elke Lakey, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in April 26 Edition: Big Sale, Top Sapphic Books, Ash Gray, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Ash Gray Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Ash Gray.

1. My favorite shoes are Converse sneakers.

2. I’m obsessed with white cheddar popcorn.

3. I once apologized to a snail for nearly stepping on it.

4. I wrote Knights of Passion on a park bench longhand in a notebook.

5. I love gummy bears.

Have you read Taken by the Chieftess yet?

Have you read Taken by the Chieftess yet graphic


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Continue reading April 26 Edition: Big Sale, Top Sapphic Books, Ash Gray, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in April 19 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Sage Donnell, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Sage Donnell

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Sage Donnell.

1. My legs are so short that I use a footstool under my dinning room table.

2. While I don’t love travel, I do it often thanks to my kid living in Prague.

3. I love playing board games and will happily spend hours a day doing so.

4. My dog is more popular than I am on TikTok. By a lot.

5. I once performed in a local aerial arts theater production. Think trapeze and partner acrobatics!

Have you read All This Time yet?

Have you read All This Time yet?


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Continue reading April 19 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Sage Donnell, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in April 12 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Brenda Murphy, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Brenda Murphy

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Brenda Murphy.

1. I love campy horror films from the 50s.

2. I’m a licensed amateur radio operator.

3. My favorite snack food is popcorn with chili lime seasoning on it.

4. I am obsessed with goats and chickens.

5. My garden is my happy place.

Have you read Follow Spot yet?

Have you read Follow Spot yet?


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Continue reading April 12 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Brenda Murphy, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in April 5 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Susan X Meagher, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Susan X Meagher

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Susan X Meagher.

1. I write with my left hand, but do almost everything else with my right.

2. When I eat a piece of chocolate, I never chew it. I let it melt no matter how long it takes.

3. My wife and I have moved 25 times for no compelling reason.

4. I’ve attended 20 years of Catholic school. I’m no longer Catholic, btw.

5. I was never read to as a child. My grade school didn’t have a library, and our public library was inaccessible. I didn’t start reading fiction until high school.

Have you read A Novel Beginning yet?

Have you read A Novel Beginning yet?


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Continue reading April 5 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Susan X Meagher, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in March 29 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Nance Sparks, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things About Nance Sparks

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Nance Sparks.

1. I had severe lazy eye as a kid. It took two surgeries to fix it and as a result, I have no depth perception. My left eye doesn’t talk to my right eye, so they don’t look at things together. I’ve tried to get them on speaking terms, but after fifty-five years, I think that ship has sailed.

2. I was the tomboy who jumped out of trees, jump out of the loft in our barn, and ignored warnings that my knees wouldn’t last forever. Turns out the warnings were spot on. I’ve had to have both of my knees replaced. GO-GO gadget knees!

3. The Munch Burger in Appalachian Awakening is my favorite way to eat a cheeseburger. The secret is Spanish olives!

4. I have never been able to do a cart wheel. I blame the inability on my eyes and lack of depth perception, but really, I’m scared of falling and breaking my neck.

5. When we had our little hobby farm, I had a pair of emu and made a one egg quiche in a 13 x 9 pan. Yes, the egg was that big!

Have you read Appalachian Awakening yet?

Have you read Appalachian Awakening yet?


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Continue reading March 29 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Nance Sparks, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in March 22 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Terri Ronald, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Terri Ronald

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Terri Ronald.

1. I eat ice, but only if it’s crushed ice. That’s the good kind.

2. I find mayonnaise to be disgusting.

3. I don’t drink soda.

4. I’m low-key a shopaholic. If it’s on sale, I’ll probably buy it.

5. My food can’t touch if its on the same plate. If it does, I won’t eat it.

Have you read Come Back yet?

Have you read Come Back yet?


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Continue reading March 22 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Terri Ronald, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in March 15 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Alaina Erdell, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Alaina Erdell Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Alaina Erdell.

1. I’ve moved twenty-two times.

2. Garth Brooks once saved me from falling on my face.

3. I grew up eating peanut butter, pickle, and mayo sandwiches and still like them.

4. I’m half Croatian.

5. I used to play women’s ice hockey, practiced with a college men’s team, and was coached by Superbowl winning quarterback Mark Ripien.

Have you read All Things Beautiful yet?

Have you read All Things Beautiful yet?


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Continue reading March 15 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Alaina Erdell, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in March 8 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Nicole Gustafson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Nicole Gustafson Header graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Nicole Gustafson.

1. My hometown (and the setting of my first book) reside in Sonoma County, California.

2. My girlfriend and I recently raised a fledgling crow until he was ready for release.

3. I knew I was gay when I was five. I knew I was butch in my early 20’s. And I figured out I’m non-binary in my early 40’s.

4. I am a practicing witch, specializing in herbology.

5. My left pinky was amputated following a tackle playing women’s tackle football.

Have you read Training Horses and Hearts yet?

Have you read Training Horses and Hearts yet?


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Continue reading March 8 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Nicole Gustafson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in March 1 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Melissa Giberson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Melissa Giberson Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Melissa Giberson.

1. I don’t have a uvula in my mouth.

2. My first car was a brown 1972 Oldsmobile that was so big there were only two spaces that it would fit in near my high school. I woke up extra early to get one of those spots!

3. The only trophy I ever won was for catching the most fish with a bamboo rod when I was 8 y.o.

4. In sleepaway camp, I won a certificate for sleepwalking. I was 10 years old and had the top bunk!

5. I have never eaten at a Taco Bell or White Castle.

Have you read Late Bloomer yet?

Have you read Late Bloomer yet?


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Continue reading March 1 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Melissa Giberson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Feb 23 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Kit Eyre, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Kit Eyre.

1. Judy Garland and ABBA will always make it on to my Spotify Unwrapped every year. Probably with a smattering of musical numbers and country songs!

2. My parents let me name our stray cat when I was younger. I went with Iccolbit but she was more commonly known as Beast.

3. If I could live completely on pasta dishes then I definitely would. Favourite food ever.

4. I once won a holiday talent contest for singing a Spice Girls song but I was too shy to go back on stage and hid in the bathroom.

5. My day job involves running an LGBTQ+ community centre in my hometown.

Have you read Nights at the Majestic yet?

Have you read Nights at the Majestic yet?


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Continue reading Feb 23 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Kit Eyre, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Feb 16 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Suzie Clarke, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Header Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Suzie Clarke.

1. I like when it’s cold outside so I can turn on my electric blanket and feel like a hot fudge sundae!

2. When I was little, I pretended I was a country western singer.

3. I was a middle child with three brothers. I had to fight for everything I got.

4. I like to eat canned spinach with lots of salt for a snack.

5. I’m left handed but do many things right handed because I was taught by righties!

Have you read Western Blue yet?

Have you read Western Blue yet?


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Continue reading Feb 16 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Suzie Clarke, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Feb 9 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Faith Anthony, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things Graphic Header

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Faith Anthony.

1. I have a masters degree in History — specifically mid-twentieth century Soviet youth culture.

2. My dog and I both have vertigo, we just tilt in different directions.

3. I wear the same clothes most of the time and just change things up with a bold lipstick or fun earrings.

4. My current hyper fixations are tarot and Formula One.

5. My favorite background TV is The Real Housewives of absolutely anywhere.

Have you read The Creche Keeper’s Guild yet?

Have you read The Creche Keeper's Guild yet?

Continue reading Feb 9 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Faith Anthony, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Feb 2 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Del Robertson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Del Robertson.

1. I lived in England during my early childhood and thought it was normal to play in cemeteries and crumbling castles.

2. I had a twin brother that I whole heartedly to this day believe should have been named “Chip”.

3. My next door neighbor had a German Shepard that had to keep going back through security training because I used to go over to play with the “puppy”. I don’t think that dog ever passed his security training.

4. I like to think I’m fairly “butch”, but I will bawl my eyes out during a sad movie scene; especially if it’s something involving an animal.

5. I’ve almost drowned on three different occasions: once in the ocean, once in a swimming pool, and once in a river.

Have you read Remember Me yet?

Have you read Remember Me yet?

Continue reading Feb 2 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Del Robertson, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Jan 26 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Genta Sebastian, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Genta Sebastian.

1. The internet and I were young, celebrities hadn’t learned to hide from stalkers, and I found Robin Williams’ home address. I wrote to him for years, never getting or expecting an answer. It slowed to once a year at Christmas. I’d send a card with a here’s-what-I’ve-been-doing-for-the-last-year catch up letter. I decided to stop writing but had to send one more to let him know, so he wouldn’t worry, don’tcha know. He sent me back an autographed photo of Mrs. Doubtfire and signed it: Genta: Write on!

2. In my misspent youth I married men twice. One marriage lasted eighteen months, the other four years. I’ve been with my wife for twenty-three years (and those are lesbian years!) and counting.

3. My first novels gathered over two hundred rejection notices and those were the mail-in thirty pages and wait days. Discouraged and doubting my talent, I gave myself a year to sell a short story to an anthology, and started answering submission calls for lesbian erotica. Within six months I wrote fourteen stories to specifications, sold twelve, and saw eleven in print (one anthology accidentally bought two and honored their signed contract) under the pen name Aunt Fanny. Two years later I self-published my first novel and won a Goldie.

4. As a teacher living in a small mountain community, and while dealing with a psychological disorder, my therapist helped me recognize my lesbianism. In my excited self-awareness I confided in a friend, who told my school district superintendent. Three days later I was fired, my mortgage was called, my church said I had to repent, and longtime friends were no longer speaking to me. I sold everything, bought an RV, and traveled the country. Best thing I ever did.

5. I’ve been a professional storyteller for almost four decades and can spin convincing tales. For instance, one of these five statements is mostly fictional, but I’m not telling..

Have you read A Troublemaker May Surprise yet?

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Continue reading Jan 26 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Genta Sebastian, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Jan 19 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Lyn Denison, Guess the Author, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Lyn Denison.

1. I once met Dame Barbara Cartland, considered to be the Queen of Romance, who wrote over 700 books with estimated sales of over two billion copies. She was also Princess Diana’s step grandmother.

2. Books have been a huge part of my life, as a reader, a librarian and a writer.

3. I changed schools six times, including four times during high school. I have been known to use this fact shamelessly when debating grammar, etc, with editors and beta readers. Tenses can have me needing a comfy couch and a damp cloth for my forehead.

4. I’ve spent years researching my family history. Haven’t unearthed anyone ‘famous’, just good, solid ‘salt-of-the-earth people. However, my grandfather was awarded an MBE for his work with Returned Servicemen and one of my great grandmothers outlived four husbands.

5. I am an AFOL, an adult fan of Lego. It began with a train set which Santa Claus never delivered no matter how often I asked. I now have a designated Lego room with an expanding Legolynville.

Have you read An Inappropriate Affair yet?

Have you read An Inappropriate Affair yet?

Continue reading Jan 19 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Lyn Denison, Guess the Author, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Jan 12 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Patricia Spencer, Guess the Author, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Patricia (“Patty”) Spencer.

1. In 1988, when there were virtually no lesbian films available (and no theatres that would screen them), I made a feature length movie on video with the help of folx in my city. As you can imagine, a feature movie made with $5,000 had little room for artistic merit. However, as a ‘sisters are doing it for themselves’ project, it was proof that it could be done.

2. I am half Puerto Rican. I grew up on the island and speak Spanish fluently.

3. I have done many things to earn a living, mostly writing (e.g., newspaper reporter, IT requirements analyst). I also have farmer’s skills and I was a nurse (end of life care).

4. My cockapoo’s name is Zulu. To her, I’m Alpha 😉

5. I have many fragile people in my circle of beloveds so when I write I’m always trying to rush and get it done before someone needs me and pulls me away from it.

Have you read The Hum of Bees yet?

Have you read The Hum of Bees yet?

Continue reading Jan 12 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Patricia Spencer, Guess the Author, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Jan 5 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, SD Simper, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about SD Simper.

1. I have extensive music training and can sing virtually any aria you throw at me. Also, though I’m hilariously out of practice, I have played piano since I was five and have experience in most families of instruments.

2. I once worked for a fundamentalist religious school as a musical theatre director, and of course stayed DEEPLY closeted, because my predecessor had been fired for starring in the musical “Gypsy” (because a musical written in the 1950s was too scandalous for my boss).

3. Though I’ve had to slow down in my adult life (lest I not have a career), I’m very much into gaming and was a moderately hardcore gamer in my youth. Video games were a way I bonded with my dad growing up, which also tangentially inspired a lifelong love of fantasy in me (since it was mostly the Warcraft and Diablo series).).

4. I have an irrational fear of (some) Muppets and dogs that look like Muppets. This is unfortunate because my favorite movie is A Muppet Christmas Carol (which realistically inspired the fear).

5. My wife is an expert in historical costuming, which means every movie and book has been ruined for me. Tell me your favorite historical movie/book and I’ll tell you why it’s wrong – or, if you’re lucky, I’ll gush on why it’s right.

Have you read The Sting of Victory yet?

Have you read The Sting of Victory yet?

Continue reading Jan 5 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, SD Simper, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Dec 29 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Angela McKenna, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Angela McKenna.

1. I was born in the middle of Beatle mania, and had such a crop of thick, floppy, dark hair, that I was known by the nurses as the wee Beatle.

2. Just before the pandemic arrived, I had a mid-life crisis, learned to enjoy rum, and became the owner of five tattoos. I then developed a rare blood condition that means no more tattoos. I still have the rum though!

3. I’ve served twice on a jury in criminal trials, and enjoyed the experience so much, I would happily volunteer to do it every week.

4. When I was twelve years old, I took down my ABBA posters and replaced them with Adam & the Ants. I felt guilty then and still do, but Adam and the crew were torn down within six months. Turns out it was a brief affair, but never love.

5. My newfound love of rum coincided with writing my first novel, The Visitor. Under the influence, I felt obliged to hide the titles of twenty-six ABBA songs throughout the book. I think it was possibly to assuage my guilt and to apologise for my brief dalliance with Ant music.

Have you read The Visitor yet?

Have you read The Visitor yet?

Continue reading Dec 29 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, Angela McKenna, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Dec 22 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, S.E. Chandler, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about S.E. Chandler.

1. She was dumb enough to run a 100 mile ultramarathon race…twice. Yes, all at once. Yes, I peed & pooped along the way. Yes, all in one day. Well, 28 hours for the first and 24.5 hours for the second. No, no one was chasing me. No, I didn’t win (got 2nd the 2nd time though).

2. One of a kind! She has 5 siblings with other fathers or mothers, but is a unique combination.

3. She is a Buddhist in the Order of Interbeing Mindfulness Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, and has done multiple 3- and 5-day silent retreats. (If you spent 2 minutes with her, you’d see what an incredible feat this is for her. Every time. For real.)

4. She is currently undergoing a mid-life crisis and plans to change careers, start going by her middle name and cut off all her hair into that pixie cut she’s always wanted but was too afraid to get by her next birthday.

5. There are hidden meanings in the names and numbers she uses in her fiction. 3, 8, 12, 22, 23, 45, are some of her faves. She’s also hidden a few “typos” in her latest release that are subtle nods to her girlfriend whose name means “bee.”

Have you read Straight Girls I’ve Loved Before yet?

Have you read Straight Girls I've Loved Before yet?

Continue reading Dec 22 Edition: Top Sapphic Books, S.E. Chandler, Freebies, and More

Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Jeannie Levig, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Jeannie Levig.

1. I love lemon juice on my macaroni and cheese. Don’t ask me why.

2. Almost all of the animals that appear in my books are pets I have had in my life. One exception is Pete in Embracing the Dawn and Embracing the Moon.

3. I hate going to the doctor and avoided it completely for 15 years. After having a surgery this past year, I was appalled at the cost, even though my insurance paid for it, and I now think socialized medicine would be much more beneficial to the average citizen.

4. I hate gardening. I don’t like wearing hats or being in the sun and getting hot and sweaty, and I despise digging in the dirt in constant fear of touching a worm.

5. I don’t like getting balloon bouquets because it makes me sad when the balloons shrivel and deflate and I have to pop them and throw them away. Mylar balloons are a little bit better because they can just float around my house for weeks until they are all the way on the floor, but it still makes me sad.

Have you read Embracing the Moon yet?

Have you read Embracing the Moon?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Martha Miller, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Martha Miller.

1. I wrote my first novel in 8th grade Social Studies class.

2. My father loved motorcycles. I don’t remember a time when we didn’t have at least one. While other kids’ family activities centered around camping and fishing, our family went to Hill Climbs and Motorcycle races. Once we had a side car and went from Illinois to Kansas City (about 10 hours) with 3 little girls in it and Mom and Dad on the bike.

3. I had my first motorcycle when I was 12 years old. It was a Harley 125 (small one) and as I was too young to ride it in the street, I rode it all over our lot and around the house. Looking back, I’m sure I drove the neighbors nuts. Nothing sounds like a Harley.

4. While I had my first lesbian experience in my early twenties, I got married and had two kids before I came out late in life—in my early 40’s. I started publishing short stories after that. I was 48 when my first book “Skin to Skin” was published. Since then, I’ve had 7 more books published.

5. I worked for a Bank for 27 years. The job wasn’t right for me, but I kept at it as I had 2 children to support alone. Mid-life, I finished my education and started teaching college English (which I loved) until I retired.

Have you read Me Inside yet?

Have you read Me Inside?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Ann Roberts, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Ann Roberts.

1. I have sung in choirs since 5th grade.

2. I stood in the Bates Motel shower on a private tour of the Universal lot.

3. I love DIY shows!

4. I’ve been with my partner (now wife) for 29 years.

5. I enjoy a good liverwurst sandwich once in a while.

Have you read Dying on the Vine yet?

Have you read Dying on the Vine yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Huckleberry Rahr, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Huckleberry Rahr.

1. Huckleberry is my REAL name, given to me by my lesbian mothers.

2. I was born in California in a home with several families. The joke was, with a Justice and a Liberty, it’s lucky I wasn’t named ‘for all’!

3. My son loves my baking but requests I don’t, because none of us needs that many ‘sugars’ around, because apparently I cook at least five different things at a time.

4. I’m dyslexic and was told many times growing up I was not a strong writer.

5. I have taught math in both the U.S. and Papua New Guinea.

Have you read Wolf Healer yet?

Have you read Wolf Healer yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Kim Harry, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Kim Harry.

1. I can drink a lot of whiskey and not get drunk. Two glasses of cheap wine and I’m wasted.

2. I am a TV and Film supporting artist in my spare time.

3. My favorite food is Pizza with extra pineapple.

4. I am a black coffee addict.

5. I always bite a corner off a piece of toast straight after I’ve buttered it.

Have you read Jamie’s Story yet?Have you read Jamie's Story yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, S.L. Brown, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about S.L. Brown.

1. Red is one of my two favorite colors.

2. My latest addiction is and honing my craft.

3. I can never get enough of chocolate.

4. Almond milk, oat milk, coconut milk, the best companions to anything chocolate!

5. Laughter is the best medicine, and I’m so glad that my fur babies bring me daily giggles!

Have you read Little Red yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Aunt Georgia Lee, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Aunt Georgia Lee.

1. As much as I love writing, I love music. I always create a soundtrack for the stories I write.

2. I’m a foodie and love to incorporate my addiction in as many stories as I can.

3. I love some, Tony Horton and P90X and aspire to be just like my idea, fit and trim as I gracefully age.

4. Book covers is my other addiction I tend to be a fangirl for graphic designers!

5. My fur babies rule our house and allow me to think I’m the pack leader.

Have you read The Heart Doesn’t Lie yet? Get it for FREE!

Get the Heart Doesn't Lie for Free

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Kate Hershberger, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Kate Hershberger.

1. I was the 1st girl in my high school’s history to play the quints (5 drums).

2. As a kid, I was in a unicycle club. I could do several tricks i.e. riding with one foot, riding backwards, etc.

3. According to my grandfather, I am a distant relative of William Faulkner. Supposedly, he and my great grandmother were distant cousins.

4. I’m first generation American on my mother’s side. She is from Lancashire, England.

5. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Have you read Sleepy Hollow yet?

Have you read Sleepy Hollow yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Alison R. Solomon, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Alison R. Solomon.

1. When I was 16 my goal in life was to be a rabbi’s wife. (In those days all rabbis were male.) Fast forward 25 years, I slept with a rabbi’s wife.

2. On my first date with a woman called Carol, I told her I wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship and she assured me that was fine because she wasn’t either. We’ve been together 31 years.

3. We currently live in a 400 sq. ft. house in the mountains of North Carolina. The first house we bought together was 1000 sq ft and it seemed massive to me.

4. I grew up in England still use certain phrases that I only discover are Britspeak when people look at me with weird expressions and then ask, “what does that mean?”

5. I am related to the royal family. OK, not exactly but my brother-in-law was knighted, so my sister’s official title is Lady Deborah.

Have you read Before She Left yet?

Have you read Before She Left yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Eva Reddy, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Eva Reddy.

1. I had to use a pen name as I had already published legally approved, public documents for those employing people with disabilities using a productivity-based wage system. Needless to say, ‘Coffee Breaks,’ would be a misleading title for some of those employers.

2. I’m short. When I first got my license I had to sit on a ream of paper so I was able to see out over the dash and under the top of the steering-wheel. I got pulled-over by the police a lot until I bought a new car with better seat adjustments.

3. I was over 30 before I stopped getting carded to prove I wasn’t underage for adult purchases or venues. Very embarrassing at the time.

4. The mother and dog characters in ‘Caring for Amelia’ were based on my own mother (Amy) and dog (Lani). Many of the anecdotes within the book are true stories.

5. I can play Eightball/Pool/Snooker both right and left-handed with equal skill. People who know me refuse to play against me unless I promise not to leave them “snookered” every shot.

Have you read Caring for Amelia yet?

Have you read Caring for Amelia yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Natasja Hellenthal, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Natasja Hellenthal.

1. I have a terrible sense of direction! I can get lost in a building. Sometimes I can’t even find my way out of a public bathroom. My girlfriend is my GPS as she never gets lost.

2. I have lived and worked in seven different countries, and have moved at least every two years since I was twenty-one! I currently live on a Greek island with my girlfriend and growing cat colony of rescued cats.

3. I have been vegan nearly twelve years (vegetarian since age 13). If I was going to teach my children about compassion and kindness I better lead by example were my thoughts. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.

4. I am a HSP (highly sensitive person) and an empath which is not always as on top of my own emotions I am a sponge and pick up other energies too. Added to that I have a very strange kind of hearing. Some tones I hear, others I do (but other people don’t) If you move away from me I won’t be able to hear you but I can hear a truck from miles away. Oh, and earthquakes! I can feel those especially at night (although I am not sure sometimes because it is not always in the news).

5. I have my own book cover design company called Beyond Book Covers which I love as I enjoy creating art and be part of other people’s stories and book journeys! You can find my website here:

Have you read SKYWHISPERERS yet?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Rhiannon Grant, Book Bargain Bonanza, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Rhiannon Grant.

1. I was called a TikTok legend in the minutes of Britain Yearly Meeting, the annual gathering of almost a thousand Quakers from around England, Scotland, and Wales. To be fair, this came from the 11 to 15 year old group, not the adults!

2. I finished reading Lord of the Rings for the first time before I went to secondary school (so before I turned 11). At the time everyone around me took this for granted and I only realised it was unusual when I heard other adults calling it a difficult book to read.

3. I like to hand sew patchwork made of hexagons, but it’s very slow indeed – my wife asked me to make her a duvet cover and I’ve started, but told her not to expect the finished product for at least ten years. I started the previous one around 2002 and finished it in 2018.

4. I came out to my grandparents when my first lesbian novel was published. It hadn’t been a secret before, but they hadn’t fully absorbed the message – apparently my grandfather read the story and phoned my mother to say, “I think I understand now!”

5. I wear a hat, and people often ask me why, but I don’t know. It’s not a religious thing or a modesty thing, it just… feels good. And that’s all I can tell you.

Check out Rhiannon’s latest book Carving a New Shape.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Karen Frost, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Karen Frost.

1. I’ve learned eight languages and lived in multiple countries, so when possible, I like to incorporate aspects of that into my books. This is why my French character Georgette in “The Lady Adventurers Club” taught in Kolkata and why there are snippets of Arabic!

2. I got to try out for the US Women’s Olympic skeleton team after filling out an online form in the late 2000s. I was invited to the track at Lake Placid, New York, where I promptly showed I had all but no aptitude for skeleton. My roommate during that week was a cast member (gladiator) on “American Gladiator”!

3. Like most women of a certain age, the show “Xena: Warrior Princess” made me realize I was gay. To honor this awakening, years later I went to one of the annual Xena conventions in Burbank, California, and got to see the cast in real life. Worth it!

4. Even though I write fantasy, when it comes to Netflix, my go-to has become baking shows. This might make sense if I baked, but I can’t…at all…

5. I’m hugely passionate about helping get more LGBT web series, TV shows, and movies made. In 2021, I started an investment company to fund the creation of web series around the world. The first two web series, out of Brazil and Australia, will be out this year.

Check out Karen’s latest book The Demon’s Guide to the Apocalypse.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Tiffany E. Taylor, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Tiffany E. Taylor.

1. Cooking has long been my passion, although I have never trained as a professional chef. One of the coolest things I’ve ever done as a foodie was to be a home kitchen recipe tester for Cook’s Illustrated magazine before my daughter was born.

2. Although I haven’t traveled outside of the United States much in my lifetime (Canada, Mexico, and Aruba), I’ve traveled so much within the U.S., I’ve been in 38 of the 50 states.

3. My father got into the computer analysis field in the mid-60s before a computer science degree was even a thing. As a result, because we moved so much when I was growing up so that companies could take advantage of his expertise, I’ve gone to 17 different schools in my life—three in first grade alone.

4. When I was 13 years old, my family and I camped across country—from Santa Barbara, California to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—over the course of one month. It was the adventure of a lifetime.

5. I’ve made a good part of the spectacular Pacific Coast Highway drive in California twice, from San Francisco to Santa Barbara. (And yes, driving across Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur is about as scary as it looks in photos, even though the views are stunning.) My favorite detour was Hearst Castle in Sam Simeon, about 45 minutes from San Luis Obispo.

Check out The Dance Series here.

The Dance Series by Tiffany E. Taylor

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Koriana Brackson, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Koriana Brackson.

1. I had always said it would be cool to write a book, but I lack the ideas to do so. Ideas are still the hardest part of the process for me. My first book came to be from a writing prompt that a pen pal sent to me. (Another pen pal told me to say I write INSANELY long letters.)

2. I spent 22 years with Walt Disney World in my backyard. In addition to working at Epcot (Universal & Sea World too), I worked for a special events company which had me in the parks 4-6 times a week. To say I’ve been to the parks at least a thousand times wouldn’t be an overstatement.

3. I love reading for Challenges and one year was a part of a huge challenge on a group. We really wanted to win, and I ended up reading 469 books that year.

4. I was raised in a religion home that didn’t speak of sex/sexuality. So I didn’t realize I am Bi until I was 28, and didn’t realize I am Poly until I was 41. Both things have explained so much about my life and I’m grateful to my Hubby who accepts all sides of me.

5. My Husband is my high school best friend. While I loved him, I wasn’t IN love with him and I broke his heart. We parted ways after H.S. and reunited 7 years later. Been together ever since. Known each other nearly 30 years, been back together 18 years, and married 16 years.

Journey to Bijou Basin, an LGBTQ+ town like no other.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, KJ, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about KJ.

1. I absolutely hate sand. Therefore, I hate the beach.

2. Baking is supposed to be precise but I take a slightly perverse glee in guessing the measurements.

3. I have three cats. Their names are Zyrtec, Claratin, and Sneeze.

4. I don’t like to eat lollies. Chocolate is my go to.

5. I don’t drink alcohol or soft drink. My favourite drink is Bickford’s Lemon Cordial.

Have you signed up for KJ’s newsletter? Do so here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, DDale, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about DDale.

1. DDale is my high school nickname. I decided to use it as my fiction author name because I had delusions of grandeur about writing nonfiction under my given name. Three novels later, have I penned a single word of nonfiction? Nope!

2. I learned to ride a motorcycle when I was 42, but gave it up a few years later because my legs are short and I dropped the bike once too often.

3. I’m on my third career. The first 30 years I worked as a graphic designer — 20 of which as a partner in a small advertising agency. Then, at 51, I switched to copywriting and spent 13 years in the creative department of a small manufacturing company. Now, I’m happily retired and indulging my passion for writing sapphic fiction.

4. My wife and I were married on June 21 — the summer solstice in our corner of the world — so we would remember when to celebrate our anniversary.

5. We have a big garden and I start most of our vegetable plants from seeds. Problem is, I tend to overdo it. This year we planted 6 types of tomatoes and peppers, and 4 types of basil. What can I say? I like to experiment.

Have you read Full Circle or Inner Circle?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Nicole Spencer-Skillen, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Nicole Spencer-Skillen.

1. My french bulldog is called Bronny after LeBron James because I am a huge basketball fan.

2. Crosswords are my go to brain stimulator. I often complete them in full (without cheating).

3. If I could live anywhere else in the world it would be New York.

4. I am a huge country music fan. The genre takes up 90% of my Spotify playlists.

5. I knew I was gay from the age of three, I refused to wear anything other than tracksuit bottoms, and kicked up a fuss any time my mum attempted to put me in a dress.

Have you read Choose Us? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Anna Parsifal, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Anna Parsifal.

1. I had a surgery 13 years ago. I believe I had a life after death experience then. I told the people on the other side I want to come back and write a book. (And do some other stuff I can’t share here.)

2. I’m not a sporty person but I used to cycle a lot. When I was 12 I came third in a local race and I won a t-shirt of my choice from the village clothes shop. I still remember that.

3. My wife is a wedding planner. She sometimes involves me in her job. I’ve been an official witness at five civil weddings so far. And I’ve celebrated one symbolic wedding.

4. I’ve been in love with three teachers. I’m friends with the first one, the second is my ex, the third inspired my debut novel.

5. My desk is in permanent state of mess so I never actually use it. My wife calls it Chernobyl.

Have you read The Intensive Course? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Donna Jay, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Donna Jay.

1. I have a bilateral uterus – and two cervixes!

2. I used to play the saxophone. I didn’t get any calls to join bands, though.

3. I have five tattoos, and they’re not small. A lot of people are surprised to learn that, for some reason. Must be my innocent face.

4. I played Rugby when I lived in Calgary, but I nowadays, I’d rather be writing than watching (or playing) sports.

5. I had my motorbike licence before I could drive a car.

Have you read The Doors We Open? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Frances Lucas, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Frances Lucas.

1. I can’t cook! Okay, I can boil water, maybe. Does that count? My wife handles all chef duties. I just like to eat!

2. I wrote three adult wlw books in college, and then didn’t write again until now (25 years later). My novels are young adult romantic thrillers set in Alaska.

3. I love sports, but I’m not athletic. I tried out for an intramural basketball team once and sunk a shot in the opposing team’s basket. Needless to say, no one wanted me on their team. Whoa, big surprise!

4. I had a major crush on Diana Riggs in the Avengers TV series. That’s how I knew I was a lesbian way back when.

5. Huge RuPaul Drag Race fan here. My favorites: Bianca Del Rio, Shangela, Alyssa Edwards, Alexis Mateo. But truthfully, I love them all.

Have you read Can I Trust Her? Get it here.

Can I Trust Her

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Sienna Waters, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Sienna Waters.

1. I am amazingly clumsy and in the past month alone I have cut myself on a towel (don’t ask), fallen off my bike, hit my head on a bunk bed, and been to casualty twice (once with a sprained ankle, once with a splinter in my foot that got infected). I’m just happy I live somewhere with socialized medicine. I’d go broke otherwise.

2. I can play the piano and attended a conservatory for music when I was younger. (Related: my wife plays far better than me and forced me to buy a piano on our third date by conveniently forgetting her ID and bank information at home).

3. I’ve lived in tons of countries and speak four languages (if you follow me on Twitter you might see me break one out occasionally). English is my mother tongue, and I didn’t learn any of the other three until I was over 18 (dunno how my schooling missed that one).

4. I’m a terrible author. I’m okay at the writing part, but not the other stuff (marketing, social media, etc), to the point that I’m surprised anyone ever finds or reads my books. I keep meaning to get better but then I get distracted by writing another book and forget.

5. Apparently, I suck at maths because I really thought I’d come up with five facts already. So here’s a freebie: I’m addicted to hot chili Doritos which are tough to find in Europe, and I will literally eat them until I can’t feel my tongue anymore (I really did not plan on admitting that to the public at large).

Have you read The Hotel Inspector yet? Get it here.

The Hotel Inspector

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Adrian J. Smith, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Adrian J. Smith.

1. I have a green thumb and am obsessed with growing a large garden during the summer.

2. I met my spouse on a dating app. We connected over our love of Battlestar Galactica.

3. I am always cold. It could be 80 degrees outside, and I will have a jacket on still.

4. Dr. Pepper is the nectar of the Gods. I consume it daily.

5. My favorite sport teams are the Green Bay Packers, and Boston Red Sox’s.

Have you read Love Me At My Worst yet? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Angela Greenman, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Angela Greenman.

1. Hard to believe, but I’ve traveled around the world (21 countries) but have never been to New York City!

2. I have yearly chats with owls. At least once a year they come and sit near me and we solve the world’s problems together. One year while I was in the woods in a tree stand an owl landed on a branch within three feet of me and we talked–well, I talked and she “hooted” back–for a good fifteen minutes. Another year, a beautiful snowy owl sat on my deck railing and joined me for morning coffee chat for a half hour.

3. I shared vodka shots on the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) with a Guinness World Record holder for mountain climbing with a heavy construction load on his back.

4. I don’t wear purple because I was told when I was a child it washes me out.

5. Despite being a Chicago girl at heart, I violate one Chicago cultural tradition–I’m a lover of crispy thin crust pizza. But I will eat deep-dish pizza, I mean, someone has to do it, right? Did you say pizza? I’ll be right there!

Have you read The Child Riddler yet? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Sabrina Blaum, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Sabrina Blaum.

1. I get irrationally angry when I get too hungry, but only before lunch. It doesn’t bother me later in the day.

2. I HATE the sound of fans. Ceiling fans are bad, but the worst are the ones in the bathroom and the ones above the stove. I never realize how much they aggravate me until they are turned off again. Go figure.

3. I cannot visualize a thing. Everything in my head is very vague and nebulous. This was especially fun when I took a technical writing in school and my teacher told us to draw the birds-eye view of a trapezoid.

4. I broke my arm by falling off my skateboard when one of the wheels got stuck on a stone. I had to wear a cast for six weeks. The day after it came off, I was invited to a birthday party where we played soccer. I tried to shoot the ball away, slid on the grass, crashed down, and yes, broke the same arm again. Another six weeks of wearing a cast.

5. I associate a lot of different songs with stories I’ve written. So even years later, when they play, the story of the book that I wrote to that song plays in my head. This even works for the first book I’ve ever written as a teen. It’s truly odd.

Have you signed up for Sabrina’s newsletter? Do it today and get a free novella.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Edale Lane, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Edale Lane.

1. Once my family had an Irish Wolfhound, German Shepherd, and Doberman/Rottweiler cross at the same time. When someone drove up, the dogs would line up at the open front window behind a flimsy screen and people would be afraid to get out of their cars. Sweetest dogs ever!

2. As a child, I earned the nickname “Sargent Toothpick” because I liked to wear army fatigues to elementary school and was so skinny my friends joked that when I turned sideways, I disappeared altogether.

3. In 1980 I marched with the Garfield Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps (later the Bergan County Cadets and now simply the Cadets.) I won a trophy at the world championships for Best Individual Mellophone player for performing Strauss’ First Horn Concerto on a bugle.

4. At age 60 I got my first tattoo. My daughter had been asking me to get a matching mother-daughter tattoo with her for years, so for her birthday I took us to her favorite tattoo parlor and we got the matching ink. The moral of the story: you’re never too old to try something new.

5. One day after putting my daughter’s horse in the backyard to eat grass, I went to the kitchen to do dishes. Hearing a “clomp, clomp,” I looked over to see Buddy eying me curiously. He had come in the back door just as if he belonged in the house.

Have you signed up for Edale’s newsletter? Do it today and get a free novella.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Sienna Eggler, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Sienna Eggler.

1. Something that comes up a lot in my books are languages. I love linguistics and have been studying French and German for years.

2. Reading is one of my oldest hobbies, and that’s expanded to visual novels, pairing my love of video games. I want to write and make my own VNs, and my book, Never Too Much, perfectly fits that medium.

3. I tried writing my first novel at 14. Didn’t succeed or save that old manuscript, though the bones of it lives on in my head. There were dragon shifters and vampires, I can say that much.

4. I’m a fairly lucky person, in that I’ve found upwards of $80 lying around, often in plain sight. Most recently found a dollar floating in a puddle.

5. When I was younger, I liked the idea of having a red and black cat (two of my favorite colors). Years later, when my first cat passed away, I adopted a stray kitten. The woman fostering her said she was found wandering the streets in winter. She was also a tortie, with the most beautiful black and orange fur. Her name is Lily, and she is full of tortitude!

Have you read Last Train Home? Find all 80 chapters here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Sue Graham, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Sue Graham.

1. I first sat on a horse when I was 18 months old and threw a tantrum when my mother tried to separate me from the horse. That was the start of a lifelong passion, sport and lifestyle … and 60 years later, my mother is still horrified!

2. I do stained-glass artwork, the textures of the different types of glass and the way the light plays through it fascinates me. I make all sorts of things, including lamp shades, glass panels for windows and doors.

3. I can spend hours browsing in antique shops, and I get excited when I find art deco pieces (kind of goes with the stained-glass art revival). It makes my day if I find an old spelter or bronze lamp base in need TLC and a new deco style stained-glass shade.

4. It must be something to do with my fascination with light, but I am a keen amateur wildlife photographer. It defies logic. I’ve come close to being eaten by a lion in the Kalahari, been sniffed by a curious wild elephant while sitting alone at a water hole, come face to face with a leopard when answering a call of nature in the middle of the night, nearly patted a hyena that sat beside me at the campfire (I somehow thought it was a dog for a moment) and been severely bitten by a vervet monkey. And yet, I go back for more?

5. I read history, especially 20th Century history, and invariably have a few history non-fiction books among my currently reading pile. I’ve decided to combine my love of history with writing fiction – so my next book will be quite different to what I’ve written before.

Playing with Fire and For the Love of Life are on sale for $2.99.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Emily Alter, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Emily Alter.

1. I’m in the middle of moving back to my hometown (a little town in Spain). I highly doubt it’ll be like all those second chance, small town romances, though.

2. I have a tiny dog. His official name is Mack—because I didn’t know what Mack trucks were until it was too late.

3. The first thing I remember writing was Xena The Warrior Princess fanfic, before I knew what fanfic was.

4. I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced most if not all the kinky scenes I’ve written at least once.

5. I have a release coming up in August, and I’ve switched up the title at least five times already. At this time, instead of a cover reveal, a title reveal is going to be more exciting.

Have you signed up for Emily’s newsletter? Do that right here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Karin Kallmaker, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Karin Kallmaker.

1. Will Travel for Food. Okay art, music, and stuff too.

2. Cranks Pink Floyd up to 11. It is not too loud.

3. Has binged Schitt’s Creek 8 times. So far. Still cries when Patrick proposes to David.

4. Addicted to Old Book Smell. Researchers say it’s the hint of vanilla from the wood pulp.

5. Breast cancer survivor, detected in a routine mammogram that may have saved my life. Routine screenings can save yours too – get squished!

Have you read Knight of Nights yet? Get it here!

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Anna Pulley, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Anna Pulley.

1. Amanda Palmer once asked me out on Twitter… with Neil Gaiman’s blessing.

2. Despite writing an entire haiku book, I’ve lost every single haiku contest I’ve ever entered.

3. I’m a competent juggler.

4. I’m hard of hearing and one time thought someone was cat-calling me on the street. I turned around to discover it was a bird. It wasn’t hitting on me. It was singing.

5. The first purchase I made upon getting a “real” job was a lamp shaped like a butt that you turn on by slapping.

Have you signed up for Anna Pulley’s newsletter yet? Do so here!

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Elle Armstrong, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Elle Armstrong.

1. I worked in India and China as a trainer for a bank. This gave me the opportunity to visit both the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.

2. I have just adopted my second rescue dog. She’s called Piper and she’s meant to be a very scared ex-breeder but in reality she’s a little monkey.

3. I have passed two bookkeeping exams, one with a distinction, yet have never put them to use – except when trying to work out my own finances lol.

4. I have severe bi-lateral high-tone hearing loss which has been progressively worsening since my 20’s.

5. I once abseiled down a 10 storey building to raise money for Cancer Research.

Have you read Cafe A’Moor yet? Get it now for only 99c!

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Cheyenne Blue, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Cheyenne Blue.

  1. I have the world’s flattest feet. Pancake is an understatement. They’re also very big. With built-in flippers like this, I should be a fast swimmer, but I’m not.
  2. I have an emotional bond with my extremely old and decrepit VW Golf. Seven years ago, a mechanic told me I should scrap it and not waste more money on it. I keep it going with pats on the dashboard, thumb rubs of the steering wheel, high-octane petrol, and a more understanding mechanic.
  3. My kitchen has twenty-seven types of hot sauce, chilli paste, fresh and frozen chillis, and other condiments to add fire to food.
  4. I still have a storage unit in Denver, Colorado from when I lived there nearly twenty years ago. Apart from a tent, I have no idea what’s in it.
  5. I love the desert, so it’s lucky I live in Australia where there’s a lot of it. My dream holiday destination is the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Have you read Not For a Moment yet? Get it here!

Not for a Moment by Cheyenne Blue

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Chloe Keto, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Chloe Keto.

1. I’m a really bad lesbian and author because both my wife and I are allergic to cats so we remain a feline-free household. I just have to write in cute, furry friends in my books instead!

2. Another author stereotype staple is coffee… Good coffee sends me totally bouncing off the walls. I recently made the mistake of having one after lunch at work – I slept about three hours that night!

3. I’m 5’4″ and have the athletism of a wet lettuce so sports have never been my thing… but a couple of years ago I finally found one I really enjoyed – Pole Fitness! Look out for future storylines from me with exciting pole moves featured!

4. I have two kids who are sport mad whereas I don’t know one end of a football pitch from the other.

5. I got engaged many years ago in a hot air balloon over, apparently, a huge defence base. I promise that isn’t any kind of foreshadowing the nature of my marriage – we’re not the explosive kind!

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Abigail Taylor, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Abigail Taylor.

1. I’m afraid of heights, but on my 23rd birthday, my brother took me skydiving, and we jumped from a plane at 9,000 feet in the air. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m glad I did it. However, I’ll never do it again.

2. When I was in seventh grade, I chipped my hipbone jumping off a roof onto a trampoline.

3. When I was two, I wrecked my parents’ car—twice.

4. I was a vegetarian for 11 years.

5. The one thing I can never leave the house without is chapstick. I can’t stand it if my lips are dry. But I’m also allergic to beeswax, which is apparently in a lot of chapstick, so I have to be very careful to read the ingredients and make sure I don’t kiss anyone who is wearing it! 😆

Have you read Falling Blindly yet? It’s now available in audio!

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Nita Round, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Nita Round.

1. I married my pen pal. After sending 15 page missives to each other every few days, we met, we dated, and we’ve been together ever since. She is the love of my life.

2. I was bullied as a child for being half Spanish, half English. So I learnt Judo, that helped a lot.

3. At 17 I had my first car, an old beaten-up old banger. It was so temperamental that I had a hammer in the glove box and to start the car I had to open the hood and bang the starter motor.

4. I have the attention span of a gnat. So I play two games whilst I’m writing and listening to music.

5. I have a degree in Psychology, but I was far more interested in technology, AI, and computer games. All of which was my way into writing, albeit for magazines.

Have you read Legacy of Light yet? Sign up for Nita’s newsletter and receive a free short story.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Jennie Davids, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Jennie Davids.

1. I always buy slippers during the holidays because they look so comfortable and like something I need. Come February I donate the unworn slippers.

2. My favorite place to write is in my car. I drive to a park, pull out my laptop, and get to work. The peaceful surroundings and being free of distractions really works for me. My dog likes it too because she can get in some squirrel watching in the backseat.

3. I’m a morning person. It’s very rare for me not to be up by six. I always tease that my brains starts getting sleepy and slowing down by eight p.m.

4. I have lots of indoor plants that I love to take care of, but I dislike any kind of yardwork or gardening outside.

5. My least favorite sound is the doorbell. (My dog agrees.)

Have you signed up for Jennie’s newsletter? Visit her website here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Anne E. Terpstra, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Anne E. Terpstra.

1. In addition to being an author, I’m also a potter and photographer. I started throwing on the wheel about fifteen years ago, and photography has been part of my life since I was a teen. In fact, the cover of Beyond Any Experience features a photograph I took and then digitally altered. Most of my pottery consists of functional pieces in stoneware and porcelain, although I do decorative work as well. You can check out my online store here.

2. I’ve been a homeschooling parent for ten years. (There are more secular and LGBTQ+ homeschool families than you might think!) It’s been a rewarding and fun process, and my son will graduate from high school next year.

3. When I’m in a procrastinating mood, I’ll often bake – cakes, cookies, pastries, tarts – if it’s sweet, I’ll make it! A favorite cookbook is Flour by Joanne Chang.

4. One of my degrees is in journalism, and my original career goal was to be a sportswriter.

5. My other degree is in technical theater, which is what pulled me away from a journalism career. In my time as a stage manager and production manager, I watched a lot of actors rehearse and perfect their lines, which helped hone my ear for dialogue as a writer.

Beyond Any Experience, Anne’s debut novel, is available here, and you can sign up for her newsletter at her website.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, TB Markinson, Freebies, and More

5 Random Things TB Markinson

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about TB Markinson (who is pinch-hitting for an author who didn’t get the deets to the IHS team in time).

1. I love to see new places, but almost every mode of transportation makes me ill. Getting back and forth is never enjoyable, but I love new experiences too much to let being ill stop me.

2. A high school counselor told me I wouldn’t amount to much and I shouldn’t bother going to college. I have 3 college degrees and now I run an author business and this website. A word of advice to those who tell young people what they should do with their lives. How about listening more instead of dooming people before they’re legally able to vote?

3. I have a terrible sense of direction and I’ve been instructed by the powers that be I can never leave my house without GPS. The voice has a male British accent who I lovingly call Nigel.

4. Because my phone is convinced I’m British (I paired the phone I purchased in the UK to the phone I got in the US when I moved back) and I don’t want to correct it, I have to constantly google the conversion of millimeters / centimeters to inches to know how bad snowstorms will be. However, if I tell it I’m actually American, I’ll lose Nigel and I can’t stomach the thought. Being told to turn around by a British accent is so charming.

5. I’ve broken two bones in my body: knee and elbow. Luckily not at the same time.

Have you been following Lizzie’s adventures in life? Get the latest zany installment here.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Brenda Murphy, Freebies, and More

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Brenda Murphy.

1. I am a licensed General class amateur radio operator (KE8PRD) and spend a few hours every weekend working the digital FT8 mode on the 20-meter band so if you are on the airwaves give me a shout out.

2. I was a cooking instructor at our local cookware store for five years and during that time and was able to sous-chef for one of my childhood idols, Sara Moulton when she came to do a book signing.

3. The first book length manuscript (Sum of the Whole) I ever submitted became my first book with NineStar Press. Sum of the Whole started out as a long short story that was rejected (thank you nameless editor, you were right). After that my author bestie convinced me it needed to be a book and to send it in.

4. I am an avid gardener and spend a lot of experimenting with growing vegetables and fruit trees. If I get stuck on a plot point, spending a few hours outside in with my hands in the dirt usually sorts it out.

5. I am obsessed with campy horror films (ridiculous scripts, hokey special effects, bad acting), and like nothing better than settling in with a big bowl of popcorn to laugh my way through them.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Eliza Lentzski, Freebies, and More

Eliza Lentzki Random 5 Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Eliza Lentzski.

1. I used to be terrified of anything remotely scary; I couldn’t even handle watching The X-Files. Horror films are now one of my favorite genres, and I love going to haunted houses.

2. Growing up, I was so shy that I would pay my little sister to talk on the phone for me. Today, through my work as a historian, I regularly give presentations to large groups of people.

3. I played organized hockey on an all-boys team until eighth grade. Ice skating is still one of my favorite activities.

4. During summers when I was in college, I worked as a costumed interpreter at a historic fort. I got married twice a day in a reenactment of a French-Canadian wedding. I’ve probably been married over 500 times.

5. I started publishing sapphic fiction when I wasn’t able to find a job immediately after getting my PhD. Because of the success of books like Winter Jacket, I was able to extend my job search and hold out for my dream job. (Not that publishing sapphic fiction isn’t also a dream!)

Have you read Sour Grapes yet. It’s now available in audio! Get it here.

Sour Grapes by Eliza Lentzski Graphic

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Tiana Warner, Freebies, and More

Tiana Warner 5 Random Things Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Tiana Warner.

  1. I didn’t realize I was into women until after I wrote my first book in my early 20s about a girl who falls in love with a mermaid. You could say that was my coming-out experience.
  2. I have a rescue dog named Joey who’s afraid of men and is on 2-4 different types of medication, depending on the day. He had a rough start in life, but he’s a very happy guy and is thriving under all my hugs and kisses.
  3. Most of my writing is accomplished first thing in the morning fueled by oatmeal and coffee.
  4. I’ve ridden horses all my life and once rode competitively in dressage, show jumping, and eventing. Now I ride casually on a gelding named Flynn.
  5. I have a degree in Computer Science, which I used for years before deciding I actually sort of hate programming and would rather write stories than code.

Have you signed up for Tiana’s newsletter to stay in touch?

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Marianne Ratcliffe, Freebies, and More

Marianne Ratcliffe 5 Random Things Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Marianne Ratcliffe.

  1. In my younger days I was a keen footballer and played for Chelsea Ladies FC, alongside a very young Casey Stoney (who later went on to captain the Lionesses). It is fair to say she was much more talented than I was!
  2. In the late 1990s, I spent three years in Boston, MA, where I became a Red Sox fan. I must have been a jinx, because they only started winning once I returned to England. Same with the Patriots, come to think of it…
  3. My wife told me she loved me by handwritten letter. This was post-Boston. She’d flown out three times to tell me but bailed out each time. I was oblivious (apparently a consistent character trait of mine).
  4. Thanks to my wife’s dog-boarding business, I write surrounded by furry companions. They love to “help” by resting their heads on my keyboard at inopportune moments.
  5. My favourite sapphic historical novel is Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters.

Have you signed up for Marianne’s newsletter? Don’t forget to get your copy of The Secret of Matterdale Hall.

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Amber Perez, Freebies, and More

Amber Perez Random 5 Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Amber Perez.

  1. I’m over 50% deaf from birth and didn’t know it until I was 19! I made it through school with good grades, learned to play the flute, and sang in the choir. I didn’t find out about my hearing impairment until I attempted to join the Navy after high school. Somehow, I made it through processing and even shipped out to bootcamp in Great Lakes. After cutting all of my hair off, getting a ton of immunizations, and getting yelled at for a few days, they found out I had a birth defect and had about 50% ability in my left ear and less than 47% in my right. Apparently, I learned to read lips very early and no one ever knew! So, if we meet and I don’t respond? I promise I’m not being stuck up, I just need to look at your mouth as we talk!
  2. Even though I didn’t realize it was a thing until after I wrote my first book, Shay’s Gamble, I guess I’m a toaster oven lesbian! I was married to a man for 22 years and didn’t come out until I was 41. I’m a real life sapphic romance trope!
  3. I am a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I know, I know, but don’t hold that against me if you’re not! I visited the old stadium back when I was about 3 years old and have pictures of me on the 50-yard line and in Roger Staubach’s locker (if you know football then you know Staubach). I have amassed a rather extensive memorabilia collection that consists of signed footballs, helmets, jerseys, collector cards, and so much more. My goal is to eventually turn a spare room into my memorabilia display room.
  4. I am a college freshman at 45! Yes, you read that right. I married young and started a family. I loved being able to stay home and be a mom. Now that my youngest is a senior in high school, I decided it’s my turn! I’m majoring in Forensic Psychology with plans to become a mitigator.
  5. I am a tattoo junkie!! I love ink and figure as long as I have blank skin then I need more tattoos. I had my first one done as a gift when I was 19 then waited on my second until I was in my 30’s. Since then? I’m pretty much covered. My current project is a full leg sleeve paying homage to my Viking ancestry.

Lexi’s Cup of Tea released today! Get it here.

Lexi cup of Tea graphic

The freebie deals have ended. 

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Kimberly A Todd, Freebie, and More

5 Random Things Kimberly Todd Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Kimberly A. Todd.

1. I handwrite all of my books in notebooks. I can’t type, so it takes me ages to painstakingly type each word into a manuscript using only two fingers.

2. I grew up on an island where the chief of police was my soccer coach, and my history teacher also ran the deli department at the local grocery.

3. I dislike coffee and french fries.

4. When I start creating a book, I only have an idea of the beginning and end. I make up the entire book as I write.

5. I love to cook, and Ina Garten can do no wrong.

Have you read the V.A.M.P. Series yet? Sign up for Kimberly’s Newsletter, so you don’t miss out on new releases and giveaways!

Kimberly A TODD 5 Facts Image

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Kelly Farmer, Freebie, and More

5 Random Things about Kelly Farmer Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Kelly Farmer.

1. I love to watch ghost hunting TV shows. While a few unexplainable things have happened in my life, if I actually went on an investigation and something happened, I would probably poop in my pants from fright!

2. I don’t have any tattoos, which is why the characters I write have so many. Living vicariously through them!

3. In my previous life as an actor, I got cast twice as a grieving mother because, as they said, I “looked sad.” Um, thank you? (For the record, I have played a grieving mother five times. I must really look sad!)

4. My favorite chore is folding laundry, especially towels. My least favorite chore by far is cleaning the shower.

5. According to iTunes, my most listened to artist is Brandi Carlile. This is unsurprising, especially since she’s who I listen to while writing the Out on the Ice Series.

Have you read Kelly’s latest? Get it here.

Calling the Shots by Kelly Farmer Now Available Graphic

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Claire Highton-Stevenson, Freebie, and More

5 Random Things Claire Highton-Stevenson Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Claire Highton-Stevenson.

1. I don’t watch any film that includes an animal unless I’ve read the synopsis in advance and know they survive. I’ve never watched any of the classics like Bambi, Dumbo, ET, etc

2. I generally write my books from page one till the last page with no plotting or idea what’s going to happen when I start.

3. I own far too many hats for someone with only one head.

4. I live on an island.

5. I can’t wear gloves or bear anything clinging to the back of my hands. Makes me feel nauseous.

Preorder Claire’s Scarlett Fever. Out February 8!

Preorder Scarlett Fever Graphic

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Originally Posted in Top Sapphic Books, Renee Dahlia, Freebie, and more

5 Random Things Graphic with Renee Dahlia photo

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Renee Dahlia.

1. My day job is writing about racehorses and I have a special interest in Thoroughbred pedigrees and betting scandals.

2. I’m lucky to know a lot of my family history, much of which seems like fiction, eg my father holds a (defunct) Russian aristocratic title (like a Baron), my great-grandmother was one of the first women to become a doctor in Europe (we aren’t sure the exact number, but easily in the first 100), and an aunt drove across the Gobi Desert to escape the Russian Revolution.

3. I know how to score cricket (the game), probably because I enjoy spreadsheets.

4. I love cooking (it’s my love language) and many of my books include food, meals, and fancy dinners. My favourite food is potatoes due to their versatility.

5. I’m bisexual, and have described my personal attraction type as ‘the entire cast of Lucifer’. I write romance, both historical and contemporary, across all romance pairings, and to try help readers avoid confusion, I list them all on my website.

Check out Renee’s Seraph’s Burlesque Club Series!

Renee Dahlia seraph's burlesque club covers small

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Originally Posted in Rachel Lacey, Top Books, Freebie, and 2 Adorable Dogs

5 Random Things Rachel Lacey Graphic
5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Rachel Lacey.

1. I lived in the Netherlands for two years as a child, and now I’m not allowed to donate blood because apparently anyone who lived in Europe in the 80s might have Mad Cow Disease.

2. I don’t have any tattoos (yet) or piercings. I used to have my ears and navel pierced, but my body rejects basically all metal, so I eventually had to give them all up.

3. I don’t like coffee.

4. There are many authors who got their start writing fanfic and later made the jump to publishing original books. Well, I did it the other way around! I had been publishing books for years when I discovered and fell in love with fanfic. Fan fiction actually helped me to rediscover the joy of writing after I’d hit a really low place in my published career, and now I come back to it whenever I need to remember that feeling.

5. I love all animals, even the ones some people find creepy! The only exceptions for me are parasites – gross.

Have you read Rachel’s latest She’ll Steal Your Heart?

She'll Steal Your Heart by Rachel Lacey Graphic

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Originally Posted in TB Markinson, Top Books, Last Day of 99c Sale, and Cute Rabbit

5 Random Things TB Markinson Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about TB Markinson.

1. I have 5 tattoos and only regret 1 of them.

2. I’ve lived in 3 countries. My favorite city to wander by foot is London, but my favorite place to drive on back roads is Massachusetts.

3. I absolutely hate vegetables and I’m a pro at finding the ones people (who shall not be named) hide in food, like mashed potatoes and casserole. This is a major crime in my book.

4. During a Ranger Campfire talk, when I was a toddler, I fell sound asleep and started to snore so loud the ranger panicked thinking a bear was approaching. Yes, I still snore.

5. In junior high, I hurt my left elbow, resulting in wearing a sling for a couple of months. Ever since then, my left shoulder is higher than my right, making it impossible to wear dresses since they slant. I also hate dresses and happily point out my shoulder issue while sticking my tongue out at anyone who suggests I put on a dress.

Have you read Reservations of the Heart yet? It’s on sale for 99c!

Reservations of the Heart on Sale for 99c Graphic

There aren’t any free books today, but it’s the last day of the End of the Year 99c Blowout Sale. Stock up your ereaders!

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Originally Posted in Emily Waters, Top Books, Freebies, and a Beautiful Dog

5 Random Things Emily Waters Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Emily Waters.

1. I am a makeup fanatic. I have a big collection and a whole room in my house that is essentially my closet/office/vanily and we call it the makeup room. I don’t think wearing makeup is necessary or essential or anything, I just like it as a form of artistic expression.

2. I don’t have children, but I do have two dogs that I treat like human babies. They are ten-year-old Schnoodle siblings named Daniel and Sophie. I love animals that have extremely common human names. I just find that inexplicably hilarious.

3. I never learned how to ride a bicycle. I just skipped that day of childhood, I guess. I can drive a car, so it worked out fine, anyway. People always offer to teach me or tell me I could probably get on a bike and get it right away. The answer is no.

4. I have worked for a city, a county, and the federal government. I’m just missing working for the state level. I like to think I’ll get it one day! Like EGOTing for the government.

5. I have six tattoos so far. I got my first one when I was around 25 and my latest one last October. I love them all, but I particularly love my Harriet the Spy tattoo. It’s still my favorite book to this day. I also have a Captain Janeway tattoo which is a close second.

Have you read Honey in the Marrow yet? Sign up for Emily’s newsletter so you don’t miss getting your sale copy in January!

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Originally Posted in Morgan Routh, Top Books, Freebies, and Birthday Dog

5 Random Things Morgan Routh Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Morgan Routh.

1. My books are loaded with colorful description because I have synaesthesia – a special mental association system that associates colors with letters and words.

2. My specialty is in linguistics, particularly forensic linguistics. I have experience studying kidnapping cases where there are faked texts to throw law enforcement off.

3. I love classic art history. Often the images in my fiction will tie back to natural rules of visual arts.

4. I’m an all-state violinist. I love Romantic music for its intensity and its creative flair.

5. Every book from my catalogue is a step into a vastly different world. Wall Street executives, zoo keepers, bakers, sailors. Each one is a world of its own.

Have you read Morgan’s latest? Get it here.

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Originally Posted in Jourdyn Kelly, Top Books, Freebies, and Furry Besties

5 Random Things Jourdyn Kelly Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Jourdyn Kelly.

1. My company, Jaded Angels, is the official merchandiser for singer/songwriter Debbie Gibson.

2. I have a degree in commercial art and video production. I love painting.

3. I played the saxophone in my high school marching band, but I can’t read music. I used to play by ear, only getting caught by my teacher when they wanted me to tryout for drum major and I had to read sheet music I’d never heard before.

4. I collect Grogu (Baby Yoda)… everything.

5. I’ve competed in many triathlons to raise money for Alzheimer’s research. I’ve raised a couple thousand dollars. I stopped after having surgery on my shoulder.


– I don’t allow photos of people to be hung in my house because since I was a little girl, I thought they could see me.
– I caused an emergency landing on a commercial airline because my eyes were bleeding. I couldn’t see anything, but I freaked the lady sitting next to me out something terrible.

Have you read Jourdyn’s latest? Get it here.

Fighting for Eve Graphic

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Originally Posted in S.E. Smyth, Top Books, Freebie, and Beautiful Cat

5 Random Things SE Smyth Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about S.E. Smyth.

1. I collect 78 RPM shellac records from the early 20th century. Several times a year, you can find me following up on leads and digging records out of retired folks’ basements. My favorites: Bessie Smith, Gwen Farrar, Ma Rainey, and Lucille Bogan!

2. My favorite toy when I was a kid was my He-Man dress up outfit complete with sword, belt, and wristbands. Welp, I loved that costume.

3. I’ve struggled with mental health throughout my life and consider myself gratefully in recovery. I don’t talk about it a lot, but you often find emotional characters in my books.

4. My wife is adamant I tell you I was a raver, skateboarder, dork, vegetarian, vegan, and punk in high school. Not necessarily in that order. You may or may not find these character types in future books.

5. Twenty-odd years ago, I worked as an archaeologist in the forests of Pennsylvania. With a lack of entertainment choices in the middle of nowhere and only two radio stations, I learned to belt out the full lyrics to classic rock hits such as Hotel California.

S.E. is a sapphic author and her first book from NineStar Press out in the world now! Find it here.

Criminal by Proxy Graphic

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Originally Posted in Cheri Ritz, Top Books, Mega Sale, and Adorable Dog

Cheri Ritz Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Cheri Ritz!

1 I’m a Disney fanatic—I love Disney World and I was so proud to see my son march in a parade down Main Street last spring.

2 Wet paper completely weirds me out. Like seriously, gag-reflex inducing weirded out.

3 I don’t like cheesecake. I believe sweets and cheeses should remain apart. I will not bend on this no matter how much my wife tries to convince me otherwise.

4 I’m a late bloomer—I didn’t come out until I was in my forties.

5 I have a collection of PEZ dispensers and it includes all types: Star Wars, Minnions, Simpsons, Holiday, Hello Kitty. My favorite: Peppermint Patty.

Connect with Cheri!

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Continue reading Cheri Ritz, Top Books, Mega Sale, and Adorable Dog

Originally Posted in Isabella, Top Books, Freebie, and Furry Besties

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Isabella!

1. Isabella is a fourth degree black belt.
2. She met her wife in her TKD class on base. It was love at first site, but they didn’t reconnect until 15 years later.
3. Isabella paints, draws, and loves digital art.
4. She owns a motorcycle and has ridden as part of the Dykes on Bikes contingency in the S.F. Pride parade for 4 years.
5. She made over 30 matching bowties, pocket squares, and masks during the pandemic. Just because it’s a pandemic doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look marvelous!

Have you read Isabella’s latest book? Get it here!

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Originally Posted in Britney Jackson, Top Books, Freebie, Adorable Dog

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Britney Jackson.

1. I have a stabby collection! Swords, daggers, rainbow throwing knives, and an ungodly number of pocket knives. I’m totally useful if you need a box opened!

2. I majored in music during my first few years of college. I played piccolo in marching band and flute in concert band, ensembles, events, and weddings. I haven’t played as much since the pandemic started, but music is still my other passion—second only to writing. 💙

3. When I was five, I got lost in the woods behind my house and was out all night. I found my way home the next morning by following the creek. I don’t remember being afraid—just really curious. I also fed some of my snacks to a raccoon and may have caused a tiny raccoon problem. 😅

4. One of my favorite ways of spending time with my kids is going to parks and playing Pokémon Go together. I know a lot of people see technology as a barrier to spending time with loved ones, but we have a lot of fun with it.

5. Both of my forearm tattoos are bookish. On my left arm, I have an owl and books, and on my right arm, I have a quill and the word “write.”

Have you checked out Britney’s award-winning pirate novel yet? Get it here.

Britney Jackson Graphic

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Originally Posted in Barbara Winkes, Top Books, & Adorable Pup

Winkes Random 5 Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Barbara Winkes.

1. I have synesthesia – for the longest time, I had no idea other people didn’t see colors when thinking of numbers/letters/words etc.

2. I met my wife online in the Women’s Murder Club fandom, but the first in-person meeting was in Paris. We intended to meet for a coffee and ended up spending all my days there together.

3. I am celebrating my 10-year-publishing anniversary this November (2022) – sapphic crime drama and Christmas romance under my own name, and steamier stories as Raven J. Spencer.

4. My love for food winds its way into all my books – even when they hunt serial killers, characters enjoy pizza, dessert, and a good glass of wine on occasion.

5. I was born in Germany but became a Canadian citizen in 2017. Being able to vote was one of the main reasons.

Preorder Barbara’s Destination Christmas, Next Stop Love. Out November 7th!

Winkes Preorder Graphic

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Originally Posted in JE Leak, Top Books, Freebies, & Adorable Kitties

Photo of JE Leak

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about JE Leak.

1. I live in a barn.

2. I have three tuxedo boy cats. Not related. All walk ins.

3. I HATE to vacuum

4. I own and have restored close to 500 vintage fountain pens.

5. I collect action figures.

Have you started JE’s exciting historical fiction series? Check out In the Shadow of the Past (Book 1).

Continue reading JE Leak, Top Books, Freebies, & Adorable Kitties

Originally Posted in Adrian J Smith, Top Books, & Cute Pups

Adrian J Smith Random 5 Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Adrian J Smith.

1. I graduated high school at the age of 16. There were two of us who graduated early that year, both of us went to seminary. I became a minister and my friend became a rabbi.

2. I am hopelessly afraid of muppets, any kind. There was no Sesame Street in my house! In fact, I wrote to PBS to ask them to change the time it aired (and they listened!).

3. I love all kinds of pumpkins. I try to have fresh pumpkins in my house year round, and I usually make it to the start of summer or the end of summer. Unless my children decide to randomly carve pumpkins in March.

4. I love handwritten notes and cards, and I write and mail them frequently.

5. I failed reading exams until I was in high school. Reading and I have a long history of hatred between the two of us, and it wasn’t until I was in high school that I semi-started to enjoy it and really in college when I fully felt like reading wasn’t just a chore. I’m still bad at it, but I do enjoy it.

Have you read Adrian’s latest: Dead Women Don’t Tell Tales.


Continue reading Adrian J Smith, Top Books, & Cute Pups

Originally Posted in Jamey Moody, Free Books, and a Beautiful Border Collie

Random 5 Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Jamey Moody.

1. When I was a kid I thought candy corn was nasty! I don’t know how it happened, but a couple of years ago I ate it again and now I eat it year round. Don’t judge.

2. My dog Leo can hear me drive up when I come home from work or if I’m out. He always goes to his toy box and grabs a toy then meets me at the door. Every time!

3. My family used to make fun of me when we went clothes shopping. If I got something new, a shirt, shoes, or whatever, when I got home I would put it on. I wore it the next day to school for sure!

4. My parents didn’t give me or my sister middle names. We were supposed to use our last names as our middle names when we got married. I’ve never been married…yet. Oops!

5. One of my favorite things is to sleep late on Saturday mornings.

There you go. Thanks for including me. These have been fun to read.

Thanks Jamey for participating and check out her latest: The Woman Who Climbed a Mountain. Get it here.

The Woman Who Climbed a Mountain Graphic

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Originally Posted in Laina Villeneuve, Free Books, and an Adorable Yorkie

Five Random Things about Laina Villeneuve

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Laina Villeneuve.

One, I have a very tiny head. Even my eight-year-old niece has a bigger head than I do.

Two, I count food. Tater tots, green beans. I figure out how many each person is going to consume before I cook them.

Three, I have to crack a peanut M&M in half with my front teeth and check to see if there is a peanut in the middle before I eat it.

Four, I always always always have a song playing in my head.

Five, when my family got a TV -I was in grade school — my parents kept it in the linen closet because they could lock it. If we wanted to watch TV, we sat in the hallway or on the steps.

Have you checked out Laina’s latest release? Get Birds of a Feather here.

Continue reading Laina Villeneuve, Free Books, and an Adorable Yorkie

Originally Posted in Rita Potter, Free Fall, and a Kitten Named Kismet

5 Random Things About Rita Potter

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Rita Potter.

1 I have a huge fear of heights, or maybe it’s a fear of falling. It’s so bad that when I play video games and my character jumps from building to building my palms sweat.

Photo of Rita Potter2 I have a journal where I record and rate every book I’ve read. I’ve been keeping it since October 1997, which means I’m approaching my twenty-fifth anniversary.

3 I’m obsessed with Jan Van Haasteren jigsaw puzzles. I own fifty-eight, including a 5000-piece puzzle of the United States. It took my wife and I over one hundred and ten hours to complete.

4 I have no self-control when it comes to Doritos, so my wife has to secure them in a lockbox that only she knows the combination. So far, I’ve never broken into it.

5 My favorite types of movies are cartoons and disaster movies. I know it’s a weird combination. I especially love Minions and own more Minion T-shirts than I care to admit.

Continue reading Rita Potter, Free Fall, and a Kitten Named Kismet

Originally Posted in Brooke Campbell, Shannon O’Connor, and Georgia Beers’s Dog

Photo of Brooke Campbell

Here are five random facts about Brooke Campbell.

1. I was the only girl in Future Farmers of America (FFA) in my high school. (Should have been my parents’ first clue, doncha think? Course me turning out to be a femme was probably more of a shocker.) I was known for making the neatest soldering lines when we learned welding.

2. I believe that bread – any kind, any form – with cheese – most any kind, any form – is the perfect food. Yes, this includes nachos.

3. Thanks to a Liverpudlian I met when I was 17, I am a hopelessly annoying tea snob. I even went to a Specialty Tea Institute conference. I’m literally certified in black and oolong teas. Also, it’s ridiculous how much I love to say “Liverpudlian”.

4. I organize chips from the tiniest crumb to the largest whole and eat them in that order. No, I don’t want to know what that says about me. Please keep your opinions to yourself.

5. I watched every movie Fred Astaire ever made. Over and over and over and…I think you get the idea. Ginger danced on air and was classically gorgeous. Rita Hayworth, though. Oh, geez.

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Originally Posted in KC Luck, Cameron Darrow, and a Dog Named Lucas

Photo of KC Luck

Here are five random facts about KC Luck.

1. I have driven through parts of every single US state except for Alaska.

2. I have a false front tooth.

3. When I was a kid I used to sing solos in my church choir.

4. I have shaken hands with four US presidents.

5. I’m a huge fan of the TV show Survivor and have auditioned for the show three times.

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Originally Posted in Chelsea M Cameron, Hildred Billings, and a Doodle Named Thorten

Here are five random facts about Chelsea M. Cameron.

1. When I was a kid, my career aspirations ranged from marine biologist to actress (I even went to Marine Biology Camp!).

2. I worked for the parks department as my summer job, but it wasn’t as chaotic as the TV show!

3. The first romance book I ever read was Kushiel’s Dart and it was given to me by one of my best friends in high school. I now have a tattoo of a quote from that book.

4. I am absolute TRASH for reality TV. The Bachelor, Project Runway, Love Is Blind, Real Housewives. I love it all.

5. One of my favorite snacks is potato chips dipped in ketchup.

Continue reading Chelsea M Cameron, Hildred Billings, and a Doodle Named Thorten

Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About KJ

Photo of KJ

Here are five random facts about KJ.

1. I lived in Hong Kong for 8 years.

2. My wife and I have moved house 9 times in the 20 years we’ve been together.

3. Our son is adopted.

4. I have a tattoo of a baby owl standing on three stacked books on my inner left forearm.

5. I have only ever owned silver or grey cars. It’s purely coincidence.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Milena McKay

Photo of Milena McKay

Here are five random facts about Milena McKay.

1. I adore Cate Blanchett and pine for everything (movie-verse) Carol, but would absolutely refuse to meet her in real life, for fear of embarrassing myself. Playing it cool is not an option, not when it comes to this particular celebrity (yes, I’ve met others, including President Biden, and managed to keep my cool-factor intact—Cate Blanchett would be a different story)

2. I can recite pretty much every episode of The West Wing by heart which created in me an overinflated sense of expectations that politics are an instrument of good. I keep getting my heart broken every day. Curses, The West Wing!

3. My coffee order goes from cappuccino to latte back to cappuccino in 6-month cycles.

4. I am a massive cat aficionado, despite having the sweetest puppy in the world. Please, do not disclose my love for cats to Jameson.

5. Blueberries are the superior berry and it is not even close.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Stephanie Shea

Photo of Stephanie Shea

Here are five random facts about Stephanie Shea.

1. Stephanie Shea is a pen name, but Stephanie is my legal middle name and Shea is a variation of Shay, based on the character Leslie Shay from Chicago Fire.

2. I’m a big snack lover and I have a sweet tooth, but only for gummy candy. I didn’t eat chocolate until I was sixteen, and I’ve never had a PB&J sandwich because peanut butter and I don’t get along

3. Whenever I get stuck writing a scene, I move around to different spots in my apartment until I inevitably end up writing from the floor, and I trade my laptop for my journal.

4. I followed love to Mexico City and now I live there.

5. I’m a stress cleaner. Throw in a good playlist and it’s my favorite kind of therapy.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Max Ellendale

Photo of Max Ellendale

Here are five random facts about Max Ellendale.

1. I’m really bad at random facts. It took me many many minutes (longer…) to come up with these. I suppose that can be summed up as, “Sucks at talking about herself!”

2. Special interests fuel my fire. At any given moment, I will hyperfixate on a topic/subject/music/game, anything. My current special interest: music by Carolina Deslandes (a singer/songwriter from Portugal). Former special interest: quantum physics (RIP).

3. I met my wife through a shared fandom. #Supercorp

4. I’m simultaneously a pop-punk/emo stan and super hippie. These two sides of myself live quite harmoniously (ha!).

5. My characters I most identify with currently are a mix of Lauren (of Maverick fame) and Samirah (Nocere). Sali is for always though…

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Things About Lise Gold

Photo of Lise GoldHere are five random facts about Lise Gold.

1. I can not fill up the fuel tank of a car unless it’s near empty. It’s a thing; my father has it too. It gets me in trouble.

2. I like color-coordinating food on my plate. I’m not OCD, quite the opposite, but I like things to look pretty before I put them in my mouth.

3. Rod Stewart is my guilty pleasure. He once bought me a drink to apologize for something, and I didn’t even recognize him!

4. When I’m in an outdoor pool in a tropical country, I’ll spend most of my time saving beetles, other bugs, and even cockroaches who have fallen in from drowning. It makes me so happy when they survive.

5. Three of my sisters are gay; it runs in the family.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Monica McCallan

Photo of Monica McCallan

Here are five random facts about Monica McCallan.

1. I’m a righty, but I play pool, throw a frisbee, and snap my fingers left-handed.

2. Before I realized I was a lesbian, I’d read thousands of m/f romance novels. I just love love!

3. My dog Chips was given her name because of the tv show Trailer Park Boys.

4. My favorite types of non-fiction books to read are on behavioral economics. I always struggle with “absolute” ideas, and realizing the confusing, often counterintuitive things people do when making decisions helped things click for me much better.

5. I moved to California because I met people at a music festival (Bonnaroo), and they said I could come stay with them for a couple of weeks while I was traveling. I absolutely fell in love with the queer culture there and didn’t move to Brooklyn like originally planned. It really showed me how much one person could change someone’s life!

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Em Stevens

Photo of Em Stevens

Here are five random facts about Em Stevens.

1. I spent a year in college studying in Scotland.

2. I still live in my childhood home, which was built by my dad.

3. I never wanted a dog, but we adopted ours because he was basically a cat and now I’m fully a dog person and cannot pass a pup on the street without stopping to give them all the pats.

4. I may be a romance reader, but I am a horror lover — the grimmer the better!

5. I have a Gideon the Ninth tattoo.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Anna Stone


Photo of Anna Stone

Here are five random facts about Anna Stone.

1. I recently adopted a cat named Pip. She’s the sweetest little cuddlebug and likes to keep me company in my office while I write. When she isn’t trying to sit on my keyboard, her favorite spot is the bookshelf next to the window.

2. I hold citizenships for three different countries on three different continents, including Australia where I live.

3. I have a mild obsession with the color purple. Although, everyone who knows me might disagree with me about the “mild” part!

4. I love houseplants and have accumulated a big collection over the past couple of years. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a green thumb, so keeping them alive is a constant battle.

5. June marks 4 years since I released my first novel and became a full-time author!

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Cara Malone

Photo of Cara Malone

Here are five random facts about Cara Malone.

1. I was a ballerina for 10 years as a kid – the inspiration behind Falling Gracefully.

2. I have never traveled west of Illinois but I’ve been all over the east side of the US.

3. My mind is face-blind – I see scenes and people in my head while I’m writing and dreaming, but rarely their faces.

4. I’ve had over a dozen rabbits, mice, birds, turtles and a miniature pot-bellied pig – I’ve never had a dog but if I did it’d be a dachshund.

5. As a kid I wanted to be a doctor but I flunked chemistry 3 times in high school and college – so I write about them instead!

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Hildred Billings

Photo of Hildred Billings

Here are five random facts about Hildred Billings.

1) Most of my readers know that I’ve lived in Japan for a good bit of my youth, but I don’t think they know how many times or where. My first stint was in high school, when I did a summer homestay in the rural city of Imabari on the island of Shikoku. I then did part of my Japanese Studies degree at Tokyo International University in Kawagoe, Saitama. After college, I had a job in Gifu Prefecture, about one hour away from the central Japanese city of Nagoya. Before the pandemic, I used to go to Tokyo about once a year to recharge my creative juices and to eat way too much Mos Burger. I haven’t been since! (Yes, I am going crazy.)

2) Many people compliment my name and misattribute it to my mother’s creativity, when in reality it’s just a really old Germanic name that most Americans haven’t really been exposed to. I was actually named after my grandmother. Thank goodness her name wasn’t Myrtle or (gasp) Mildred. (Sorry, any Myrtles out there. Not sorry to any Mildreds. You know how it is.)

3) I wrote my first full-length novel, complete with subplots and character arcs, when I was in fifth grade. I used to come home every day from school to sit down at the family computer and write until it was dinner time. In high school, I used to write before bed and often forgot what I had written the next day. I like to think those teenage years were me getting my 1 million words of crap out!

4) My favorite color is orange. In college, I had a number of friends and acquaintances who would give me random orange things because it always made them think of me. Before I ended up in a relationship (with someone who likes, gasp, BLUE) my whole living area would be wall-to-wall orange.

5) I can’t drive. Or ride a bike. Or swim. Or roller skate. Or stand up without almost falling over. I can, however, write a book in a month. I think it’s a fair trade.

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Originally Posted in 5 Random Facts About Jae

Photo of Jae

Here are five random facts about Jae:

1. I have aphantasia, which means I can’t form mental images (plus I also can’t recreate sound, taste, smell, etc., in my mind).

2. I’m a fountain pen nerd and always have at least 10 fountain pens inked up, each one with a different ink.

3. I have a twin sister, who is 7 minutes older, and she never lets me forget it.

4. My roommate says I sing like a nightingale…a nightingale with a really bad case of laryngitis.

5. Jae is my pen name, but it’s also my legal name since the German law allows authors & artists to add their pen/stage names to their IDs.

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