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All About: Caretaking Love by Chloe Keto

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Caretaking Love

by Chloe Keto

Released: Jun 15, 2024

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Why this book and why now?

I always try and keep my stories based in reality – the characters are people you could know and the locations are places you could live. Schools are great places that have such a cast of characters that they make for great inspiration.

However, the underlying story with both Georgia and Vic is the effect that the expectations they’ve lived with growing up have had on their adult selves. Both have suffered in different ways and ended up with different perspectives as a result. However, it’s important to recognise that perspectives and beliefs can be changed.

What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?

I had some major issues with Georgia’s character – she went through so many iterations and it was a joke with my beta readers how unimpressed they were! I initially wanted her to be far more snobby than the woman you see today. However, the result was someone who came across as unlikeable, which wasn’t my intent. Just because she was focused on different life priorities from Vic, shouldn’t make her a bad person. So it was important to ensure her personality was positive but suffering from the influences of her past – as opposed to being a negative person.

What TV show would your main character(s) most likely binge watch and why?

Georgia would initially watch something professional and educational but as she relaxes, maybe something romantic… Bridgerton (but she’d be constantly moaning to Mercutio that it wasn’t sapphic romance!)

Vic would watch “Homes under the Hammer” or “Grand Designs” to fuel her property development ambitions and get ideas.

What’s your main character(s)’s favorite book and why?

Vic has a secret passion for sapphic romance. There’s a mention later of peach muffins so I can see her crushing on Honey from “Oh My Stars” by the amazing S-Jay Hart.

Georgia imagines her ideal partner as a suit wearing professional, so I am sure she’d be crushing on some billionaire romance characters. I’m sure she’d never admit it but, I can imagine her fanning herself reading some Anna Stone characters – especially the Black Diamond Series!

What song does your character put on to start your book launch party?

Well, I can’t ignore the significance of Whitney Houston’s One Moment In Time to the book – though I’ll avoid any spoilers as to why. Partly, I just think it’s the most beautiful song and has so much emotion built in. However, I also can’t help but reflect how often the love story comes down to one single moment – a decision point. Will they or won’t they?

Meet Chloe Keto

Chloe Keto is a new author but a longtime passionate fan of the romantic WLW genre. She reads most types of romance (unless they are scary) from historical to fantasy.

By day she presents as a mild-mannered IT geek – by night she lets out her inner romantic with a host of friends who come alive on the page.

She lives at home in the south of England with her wife and two, nearly teenage, football loving, children.

All stories, and a lot of lives, can be improved with a good dose of romantic magic!

Visit Chloe’s Website


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