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Author Interview: Terri Cutshall Chats about Fall into Me

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Get ready to learn more about the book Fall into Me in this discussion with sapphic author Terri Cutshall.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Terri Cutshall about Fall into Me, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Summer / Vacation Fling category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Fall into Me?

I don’t think we can have too many sapphic romances out in the world! And I enjoy exploring the initial chemistry between people when they meet – that undeniable spark that pulls two people toward each other and distracts them until they explore it further. I got the idea for this story while I was editing my first book and it took off from there – so I went with it!

Who is your favorite character in the book?

This is like asking someone with kids – who’s their favorite, right? I love them all because they are all my children! If I have to pick one, I’d say Liv because she’s strong, confident and she knows what she wants. Like Liv, I am very close with my family, although unlike Liv, I’m the oldest of four and I have a dozen nieces and nephews.

What inspired the idea for Fall into Me?

I love reading contemporary sapphic romance and I wanted to write my own. I enjoy visiting Colorado and a vacation stay in a ski in and out resort seemed like the perfect place for a hook up! Add in a disgruntled woman who just got dumped, her two best friends and an attractive bartender and you have the makings for a great time.

What part of Fall into Me was the most fun to write?

I enjoy writing dialogue and I had a great time writing the skiing scene where Audrey falls and knocks Liv over; that scene gave me a great opportunity to pull out the teasing banter between them.

How did you come up with the title for your book?

I played around with the ‘fall’ on the slopes and also ‘falling’ in love until Fall into Me struck a cord.

What is your writing process like?

I’m a total pantser; trying to learn to be more of a plantser! I wait for scenes to come to me, write them down and then organize them in a sequence to tell a story. I’ll have an idea of how I want to start and end the story and then I wait to see how the middle will work itself out. I’m that person up at 2am with an idea that I have to get down before it escapes me.

Do you have a pet who helps/hinders your typing?

My pretty girl, Maggie is my writing assistant/editor/ghost writer. She is a six-year-old Airedale and she listens intently as I read aloud to her, and she snuggles in with me when I write on the couch.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing, and by whom?

“Just write” – by every other writer who knows the feeling

“You can’t write a book and not publish it” – by my Health & Productivity Coach

Editing feedback can be tough on the psyche – but when my first editor told me that “each edit is the next iteration towards success”, I wholeheartedly changed my approach to edits – and she was right! I think we can get better with each new writing project.

When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?

I find quiet places to write so I’m not distracted by anything around me. I play music that motivates me or creates a certain feeling while I’m writing. For emotional scenes I then try to get into that scene mentally, pulling from a tough or emotional experience and hope I can bring it to life on paper.

Have you ever cried when writing an emotional scene?

Yes, I’ve cried tears of sadness and joy. Loss of a loved one and when the girl gets the girl in the end usually do it for me. In my first book, Breakthrough, Alex loses her dad and that involved a couple emotional scenes and references; and in Fall into Me, I had a great time writing the HEA ending for Audrey and Liv.

What type of books do you enjoy reading the most?

Contemporary Sapphic Romance is my go-to now that I’m writing sapphic fiction. I enjoy sports and medical themed romances and athletic and movie star main characters; and I certainly can’t pass up a woman in uniform. I’ve always been a reader – some of my favorite authors are Patricia Cornwell, Sandra Brown, Kathy Reichs, Dan Brown, James Patterson and Stephen King.

Describe your favorite reading spot.

I love cold, winter or rainy days curled up by the fireplace with a physical book. With audible books I enjoy unwinding at the end of the day on the couch, eyes closed, listening to a new story. I often drive to see my family, which is a six-hour drive, and I usually listen to my audible books in the car.

Meet Terri Cutshall

Terri Cutshall is an extroverted introvert. She loves animals, whole-heartedly considers chocolate a food group, watches cheesy rom-coms and writes happily-ever-after contemporary sapphic romance. She was born and raised in Pennsylvania where she was surrounded by a family of story-tellers – three generations laughing and sharing their experiences at backyard picnics. Journaling became a way to organize her scattered thoughts and writing became a way for her to better express herself.

Terri works in the healthcare industry helping patients with rare diseases access needed therapy. When not working or writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, her animals and traveling the world. She currently lives in North Carolina, with her wife, two horses and two dogs.

Visit Terri Cutshall’s Website

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Author Interview