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Mission Book Possible #18

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The BookFinder is a month old!

With more than 1,975 books already in this new database, we’ve created a fun way for readers to go on a sapphic book finding mission. Four prizes of a $15 Amazon gift card will be awarded in drawings on November 9, 16, 23, and 30. For complete rules, click here.


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Now let’s get to today’s fun: Steamboat Willie

On November 18, 1928, Mickey and Minnie Mouse made their debut in the animated short film Steamboat Willie.

It was the third movie that had been produced, but after Walt Disney watched The Jazz Singer, he was determined to make one of the first fully synchronized sound cartoons.

Steamboat Willie was praised for its technical innovation, and it was the most popular cartoon of its day.

It also led to worldwide fame for Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney.

What you may not know is that both TB and Miranda grew up just a couple miles away from Disneyland in California. TB, a huge Disney fan, would watch the fireworks every night. If you bump into TB, odds are she’s wearing a Disney T-shirt. Miranda still remembers going to the little movie theater on Disneyland’s Main Street USA where they had Steamboat Willie playing on a loop all day.

To honor Steamboat Willie, we’re asking readers to go to the BookFinder and look up books in the following Archetype category: Pilot / Ship Captain.

Find a book you haven’t read yet, or if you come across an old favorite, share it and tell us why. To enter the giveaway, share your entry in the Facebook group.

Remember, the more days you play, the more entries you’ll receive for the $15 Amazon gift card, so don’t forget to check back tomorrow for another Book Finding Mission.

Authors, if your books aren’t in the database yet, we highly recommend you submit them now. Here’s the form.

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