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Cara Malone’s Getting Rec’d

Authors Getting Rec'd
Author S.E. Chandler recommends Rules of Love by Cara Malone

Welcome to Authors Getting Rec’d! Each week, we’ll bring you a new sapphic book recommendation from a favorite sapphic author. Find out what authors are reading and why, plus read about the personal connections between authors and books.

This week, S.E. Chandler explains why Rules of Love is a must read.

S.E. Chandler knows Cara Malone casually through a shared Slack channel, but chose this book primarily because Cara is a solid author whose work always delivers. This is a book that has been read multiple times.

Let’s hear more from S.E. about why Rules of Love is a must read:

The story is very engaging, sure. But I really enjoyed reading about a neuro-divergent main character. I hadn’t read any MC’s on the spectrum before, but the first-person POV was very intimate that helped me understand people with ASD. I’m always a fan of a happily-ever-after, and Malone takes us on a long, winding route to get there that’s well worth the payoff!

Tempted? You can get Cara’s book here:

S.E. Chandler is the author of Straight Girls Wanna Have Fun.

Here is why S.E. thought their book might relate to Cara’s:

Both books are story-heavy that focus on relatable character arc. You can ride along with the main characters as if the story is happening to you too. Both have elements of enemies-to-lovers and are happily-ever-after romances.

While Rules of Love is centered on a college campus, my book has a scene set on a college campus. Book nerds will be book nerds!

Thank you, S.E., for sharing what book is on your nightstand right now and paying it forward by showing some book love to a fellow SapphFic author!

About S.E. Chandler:

S.E. Chandler is a wife, mom, advocate, and author. She was first published in a poetry anthology at age 10 under a pen name that was a misspelled anagram for “original.” She is pursuing an MFA in Writing in the Thomas Wolfe Center for Narrative. Originally from Arkansas, she lives in Asheville, NC with her wife, Cathryn, their two young children, two dogs, and the man of the house, Wireman the cat.

Visit S.E.’s Website

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Authors Getting Rec'd