Get ready to add books to your TBR pile!
As the end of the year draws near, we have one question we want to ask book lovers the world over. What were your top 5 sapphic reads of 2023?
Luckily our readers like to share! We look forward to passing along these recommendations to you daily into the new year.
It’s not too late to submit your own top reads and get in on the fun. Click here for the form. Our only rules are that authors may not submit their own books and your list needs to be new-to-you books that were read (not necessarily published) in 2023.
Here are Aisley’s top sapphic reads of 2023:
1. The Senator’s Wife by Jen Lyon
Gripping slow burn age-gap between a professional soccer player and the Senator’s Wife. Incredibly written, enthralling, Rollercoaster of emotions that kept me sucked in start to finish.
2. A Whisper of Solace by Milena McKay
I have never been so turned on and alternately heartbroken during a book cover to cover. As soon as I finished it I immediately started it over.
3. Don’t Call Me Hero by Eliza Lentzski
Adult angst and situations, trigger warnings with one fragile character and one strong one that uses their love to rescue the other. PTSD and an amazing Ice Queen.
4. Ask, Tell by EJ Noyes
Slow burn age gap that builds during DADT, captivating and relentless love between the 2 FMC’s. Difficult read at times because of heavy subjects, and loved every second of it.
5. One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Time travel story, inclusive, also accurate on the LGBTQIA+ history.