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Vote for Best Sapphic Hot in an Elevator Book

Remember to Vote
It’s time to vote in the latest Best of the Best poll!

How do we decide on the sapphic books to include in these polls? We value reader input, so we ask them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to nominate their favorites. We take those nominations to create a best of the best poll and put it to the readers for a vote.

Voting is a fantastic way to show your favorite authors some rainbow love.

Find the winners to previous polls right here.

Guess the Sapphic Books Author GraphicBefore we get to the Best of the Best poll, it’s time for Guess the Author

Every week we’ll provide five clues about a sapphic author. This game helps readers get to know their favorite authors while having fun.

Here is today’s clue:

Clue #4: I wanted to be a horse trainer but my mother forbid it because she didn’t want me to spend my life smelling like a horse.

Find Clue #1 here.

Find Clue #2 here.

Find Clue #3 here.

Don’t forget to check out Friday Feels tomorrow for Clue #5.

Now for this Week’s Poll

Remember you can come back to vote every day to help your favorite get over the finish line.

The books in this poll include a sexy scene in an elevator according to the readers who nominated the books.

Voting for Best Sapphic Hot in an Elevator Book closes on June 1. We’ll announce the top three on June 5.

Thank you for showing your support to these fabulous authors! Remember, you can vote once per day, so come back again tomorrow to help your favorite book reach the finish line first.

Below you’ll find all the books involved in the poll.

Now that you’ve got your voting finger warmed up, don’t forget to visit the Book of the Month polls.

Best of luck authors, and be sure to share with your readers daily to get more votes!

TB and Miranda

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