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Author Interview: Abigail Taylor Chats about Holiday Miss Match

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Get ready to learn more about the book Holiday Miss Match in this discussion with sapphic author Abigail Taylor.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Abigail Taylor about Holiday Miss Match, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Fairytale category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Holiday Miss Match?

I try to write a holiday book each year, but my holiday books are usually light on the commercialism and heavy on finding what is truly important, which, to me, is love. I hope when you read Holiday Miss Match that you see that growth and healing looks different for everyone, but once you get to the point where you love yourself, then you’ll be ready for that fairytale love from someone else.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

My favorite character is probably Sabrina. She is jaded and sarcastic but she also has a big heart and wants to do good in the world. I would say we are similar in some ways, but her personality is more pronounced than mine.

What inspired the idea for Holiday Miss Match?

I was going through a rough time when I wrote this book. I honestly didn’t want to write it at all, but I had promised I would put out a holiday book, and I didn’t want to let anyone down. So I started it, then stopped and almost gave up. But as I worked through my own healing process, I was able to find the story I wanted to tell, and by the time I finished the book, I loved it, and it was one of my favorites to write.

What was the biggest challenge writing this book?

Well, as I mentioned above, the biggest challenge was starting it. It wasn’t that I didn’t have the motivation, it was more that I didn’t know if I had the emotional capacity to write it.

What is your favorite line from your book?

The only people who left were the ones that didn’t belong in your life to begin with. And on their way out, they opened the door for the right people to enter. (This is something I truly believe and I have to remind myself all the time.)

Where do you usually write, and what do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I can only write at my desk with a desktop computer. I have a 42 inch monitor in front of me, and a 37 inch monitor to the right of me. I have at least 30 tabs opened at once. HAHA I have to have the lights off, and Thor is always on my lap.

What are three words that describe your personality?

I think there are so many words that could describe me, but I guess my personality would be quirky. Something you’ll find out very quickly about me if you spend any time with me in person, is that if you say something that reminds me of a song, I will turn the conversation into a musical. HAHA I would also say I’m empathetic. I pick up on energy, and I feel what others do, and I always try to be there for someone in need. Lastly, I would say I’m a giver. I can’t stand to see anyone struggle, and I always want to help others if I can.

What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?

What helps me most is drawing on personal experience. They say to write what you know, and I think it makes it more authentic.

Have you ever hated one of your characters?

I don’t tend to have hate in my heart. I think hate is a strong word that is thrown around far too often. But I have definitely written characters that have hurt other people with their actions, but if given the chance, I do want them to have redemption because I do believe that people can learn from their mistakes and grow into be better versions of themselves.

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

Well, as some of you might know, one of my friends was a writer and she was who encouragement me to write. I didn’t actually see myself as a writer. But she asked me to co-write a book with her, which I finally agreed to, but then she backed out due to other engagements. I was going to quit because I didn’t see the need in finishing if she wasn’t going to do it with me, but she begged me to finish, so I did and that was how the first version of Forever Love was born.

Describe your favorite reading spot.

This changes with the seasons. My favorite spot in the winter is a comfy couch with a blanket and the fireplace on. But in the spring/fall/summer, I tend to read in my hammock.

Do you only read books in one genre or do you genre hop?

I’ll read anything as long as it keeps my attention. I tend to go for non-fiction books because I love to learn and grow. But I also like to get lost in fairytales as well.

Meet Abigail Taylor

Abigail Taylor, a queer writer from the heart of the United States, holds a BA in psychology and an MA in social science. Her captivating narratives spotlight strong, vulnerable female characters inspired by personal experiences and keen observations. With a deep appreciation for diversity, kindness, nature, and furry companions, Abigail weaves authentic stories that inspire and captivate. Through her robust online presence, she fosters a haven for diverse voices, reflecting her dedication to equality and LGBTQ+ matters.

Visit Abigail’s Website

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Author Interview