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Author Interview: Abigail Taylor Chats about Chasing Life

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Get ready to learn more about the book Chasing Life in this discussion with sapphic author Abigail Taylor.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Abigail Taylor about Chasing Life, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Self-Discovery category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Chasing Life?

I first wrote Falling Blindly, which introduced Jessie, and then I had people asking for her story, so I wanted to make sure I gave her a happy ending, too.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

I know a lot of people thought Jessie was toxic, which she was, but I think she is also relatable, which is why I like her. I think she shows how fear can drive people and if you live in fear, you might end up making decisions you regret.

What inspired the idea for Chasing Life?

I was inspired by you to write the book. When I initially started Falling Blindy, I wasn’t thinking of making it a series, but I wanted to give you what you asked for. I truly hope you enjoy it!

How did you come up with the title for your book?

Well, when I do a series, I usually try to tie the titles together somehow, and since Falling Blindly ended in an ING, I wanted Chasing Life to have the same ING. It took me a while to find the right word, but I thought this captured the essence of the book.

If you’re planning a sequel, can you share a tiny bit about your plans for it?

I already have the third book in the series out, Seeking Redemption.

What is your favorite line from your book?

I asked the doctor, and he shrugged his shoulders. He was about as useful as balls on a dildo.

Where do you usually write, and what do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I always write in my office. I’m not the type of person who can write on a laptop, and I have to have so many tabs open that I have two giant monitors. I also have to have the lights off, and Thor is always on my lap. HAHA

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

So, I’m taking this a different route. There are so many amazing authors that I would love to spend the day with, but the person I choose is actually a lyricist. I would love to meet Julia Michaels. Her songs speak to me on a different level, and I think it would be interesting to see her writing process.

What animal or object best represents you as an author or your writing style?

I would say a goat. I jump around a lot, and then I always come to a point where I crash. HAHA

What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?

My friends have definitely helped me the most. They are always there to encourage me and keep me going. I wouldn’t be here without them.

When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?

For me, I don’t really set the mood, it just happens. I sort of let the characters tell the story and if something emotional comes up, I feel it with them.

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

My friend was a writer, and she was the person who convinced me to give it a shot. But I’m constantly inspired by people for who they are and what they bring to the world.

Have you ever thought you’d hate a book, but ended up loving it?

I don’t think I’ve ever gone into a book thinking I wouldn’t like it. And even if I am not a big fan of something I start reading, I will always finish it. I have always been like this, not just since I started writing. I feel like every story deserves to be told and heard, so I don’t have a dnf pile.

Meet Abigail Taylor

Abigail Taylor, a celebrated queer writer, draws from her background in psychology to craft captivating stories featuring strong yet vulnerable female characters. Her narratives are inspired by her appreciation for diversity, kindness, nature, and furry companions. Through her online presence, she champions equality and LGBTQ+ issues, fostering unity and understanding among diverse voices.

Visit Abigail’s Website

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Author Interview