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All About: Love Hacks by Annette Mori

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Love Hacks

by Annette Mori

Released: Jun 01, 2024

Genre: Action / Adventure

Why this book and why now?

After I finished the San Diego Trilogy that incorporated the characters from the Asset Management/Organization series, I decided it might be fun to continue in this universe and advance time, featuring the children of the badass women in The Organization. The really funny thing is that I never intended to be a series writer and when Asset Management came out I was very resistant to writing a sequel…now I can seem to let the characters go!

What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?

Since I am an unapologetic pantster with a terrible memory, I always have to make major changes to plug the plot holes and inconsistencies when writing a series. The books never sync up if I don’t return to the previous books and make sure it all makes sense!

Would you and your main character(s) get along?

Probably. I think there is a little bit of me in the main characters and I’m finally okay with who I turned out to be after many years on the planet…I’m of course not as cool or brilliant as they are and lack any fighting skills, but that’s what makes them enjoyable characters to write and probably hang with.

Do your character names have special significance or meaning?

Sometimes they do and other times I just search for a name that I haven’t used before, which is getting quite difficult after over thirty published novels.

What TV show would your main character(s) most likely binge watch and why?

The Star Trek franchise…it is actually mentioned in the book, so I have to be consistent! She’s a total nerd and science geek.

What’s your main character(s)’s favorite book and why?

Probably Daughters of a Coral Dawn because she would love the combination Sci-Fi and lesbian components of the novel.

What 3 things would your main character want with them if they got stranded away from civilization, and why?

I’m probably cheating to say this, but a full lab so she could build anything she wanted from whatever materials were on hand.

Publishing a book is a huge accomplishment and it’s time to party! Choose a celebratory beverage for one of your main characters to toast the release of your new book.

Given that her mother’s have an extensive wine cellar and when she brought a nice wine for their picnic lunch that her love interest really enjoyed, she would probably ask her mother’s for another recommendation and choose a nice bottle of wine.

What song does your character put on to start your book launch party?

The Joke by Brandi Carlile because it is all about spitting in the face of adversary and injustice. That is what The Organization is all about, so the main character would have a special attachment to that song.

Meet Annette Mori

Annette is an award-winning author, published by Affinity Rainbow Publications, who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her wife and their five furry kids. With over thirty published novels, one Goldie Award, and six Lesfic Bard awards, she finally feels like a real author. Annette is as much a reader as a writer and always looking for the next lesfic/WLW/Sapphic novel to cue up. She came up with the One Fan at a Time tagline because it rolled off the tongue much better than One Reader at a Time. After pondering who she was at her core, it was all about connecting to each reader on a personal level. She would be the first to admit she doesn’t do well with the masses. If someone picks up her book and it touches them she believes she has achieved what she wants with her writing by reaching each reader. It is who she is at her core

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