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All About: Hide No More by Rita Potter

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Hide No More

by Rita Potter

Released: Jun 04, 2024

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Why this book and why now?

I love to learn new things and will spend hours in a bookstore cruising the nonfiction shelves. My interests are eclectic, so it’s hard telling what topic might catch my eye. For Hide No More, I became fascinated by the Witness Protection program, so that’s where the inspiration came from.

What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?

As I mentioned, Hide No More was inspired by my research about the Witness Protection Program. Originally, the story was going to be about a mafia mistress hiding out with an agent from the U.S. Marshal’s. After researching, I realized an agent would be bound by protocol, which felt to prescriptive for my story. I decided it would be more fun to have someone untrained and unprepared to deal with the situation, which is how Rachel Huntington got recruit for the mission.

What TV show would your main character(s) most likely binge watch and why?

They would binge Schitt’s Creek since Mud Bluff, the town where they hide out, is a cross between Schitt’s Creek and Stars Hollow.

What’s your main character(s)’s favorite book and why?

I believe Tori, would prefer a classic and choose To Kill a Mockingbird. Rachel would approve since Atticus Finch is a lawyer, but she would likely go for The Firm by John Grisham.

What song does your character put on to start your book launch party?

Part of Me, Part of You by Glenn Frey which is inspired by Thelma and Louise. Not to worry, I guarantee a HEA, so they don’t suffer the same fate as Thelma and Louise. The song speaks to them since they develop an undeniable bond while on the run.

Meet Rita Potter

Rita Potter has spent most of her life trying to figure out what makes people tick. To that end, she holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and an MA in sociology. Being an eternal optimist, she maintains that the human spirit is remarkably resilient. Her writing reflects this belief.

Although Rita’s stories are eclectic, she typically writes layered characters who are facing challenging circumstances. She draws inspiration from the quote, “The writer’s job is to get their main character up a tree, and then throw rocks at them.” Despite the heavier subject matter, Rita’s humorous banter and authentic dialogue reflect her hopeful nature.

She lives in a small town in Illinois with her wife, Terra, and their cat, Chumley, who actually runs the household.

Visit Rita’s Website


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