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All About: Torrid Summer by Martha Miller

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Torrid Summer

by Martha Miller

Released: Jun 01, 2024

Genre: Young Adult / New Adult

Why this book and why now?

This is a continuation of the story of Jeannie Baker from “Me Inside.” I wanted a book with a transgendered character and did a lot of work on getting Lyric right. I’m sure there are other NA books with a character like Lyric, but I wanted to write one.

What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?

I learned a lot about Lyric’s character and changed the book accordingly.

Would you and your main character(s) get along?

I don’t think so. She’s very independent.

Do your character names have special significance or meaning?


What TV show would your main character(s) most likely binge watch and why?

Don’t think she likes TV

What’s your main character(s)’s favorite book and why?

To Kill a Mockingbird

What 3 things would your main character want with them if they got stranded away from civilization, and why?

A couple of good books, fresh water and a friend.

Meet Martha Miller

Martha Miller is an award-winning writer. Among others, she won the Raymond Carver Short Fiction Award. Her book “Retirement Plan: a Crime Story” was a finalist in the Lambada Literary Awards and her book “Widow” was a finalist in the Golden Crown Literary Awards. She’s published 9 books with 5 different publishers. Her reviews and articles have appeared in several magazines and periodicals for the past 30 years including, among others, “The Gay and Lesbian Review” and “The Illinois Eagle.” She lives in the Midwest, a retired writing instructor, with her wife, two unruly dogs, and two spoiled cats.

Visit Martha’s Website


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