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Author Interview: Harmony Noble Chats about Unthaw My Heart

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Get ready to learn more about the book Unthaw My Heart in this discussion with sapphic author Harmony Noble.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Harmony Noble about Unthaw My Heart, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Nursed Back to Health category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Unthaw My Heart?

Watching Hallmark Christmas Specials with our grandma, we wanted to write a Christmas book that reflected unique, real, inclusive love stories, not the cookie-cutter ones! Christmas is a time of celebration but for some family pressures, mental health challenges, and surprises can make Christmas a challenge. We took these themes in a fun, hallmark-clean story, and created a story about a military vet with PTSD and a doctor struggling in a bad relationship being trapped together by a holiday blizzard int he Alaskan wilderness. And as always, we added a dash of razzle dazzle and a lot of inclusive love with sassy characters.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

ER Doctor Mak is a lot like me–just because she’s successful and respected doctor doesn’t mean that her home life is as put-together (especially with her inability to pick the right partner). She struggles with her past, her culture, others’ expectations, and what her heart is telling her. She’s not a perfect person, but she does her best!

What was the biggest challenge writing this book?

I felt a real challenge in writing a trans-love story that is authentic, relatable, sensitive, and not a stereotype. I worked with a betareader who has a transpartner and did a few re-writes to capture the struggle using a lense of hope and love despite the obstacles. I did not focus on the gender identity or sexual identity of my characters but their lives and love stories as queer people (which was hard because I had all this great info I wanted to give the reader). I cut the fluff and show cased bad-ass women who struggle to understand themselves, explain themselves to others, and define love. The best result from writing were the reviews from trans-people who felt seen.

What part of Unthaw My Heart was the most fun to write?

My favorite part is writing the characters’ intense chemistry, attraction, and building sexual tension. I write sweet, low heat so when a reader says, “that was a pretty explicit scene,” I have to laugh. I did my job well in making their imagination fill in the gaps to make it an “explicit” scene.

What is your favorite line from your book?

Her heavy black tattoos represent her uniqueness, and the scars narrate her past. I yearn to hear the stories behind each one, to understand who she truly is, and know her.

What is your writing process like?

I am a plotter. I love writing about my home state of Alaska. I have a list of small towns/villages that I want to write about and a list of crazy Alaska situations/emergencies. I pick a town and an emergency then brainstorm (with my twin) everything I want to write about. From my brainstorming, I circle the ideas I love and write the story. I love the brainstorming & hate cutting great ideas that don’t fit the trope/characters. I have a huge running document of great scenes that were cut, and are waiting for the right story.

Where do you usually write, and what do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I write anywhere and everywhere. I voice dictate while driving, write in my partner’s fancy office when he’s traveling, go to cafes, bring my laptop to my kids’ playgrounds, and write in sprints with my sister online. The only thing I need to write is caffeine, sugar, and a seat.

What’s your favorite writing snack or drink?

I love having toddlers, because I totally raid their snack drawer when they are sleeping. I love pudding cups, yogurt raisens, goldfish, and fruit leather. My sister/writing partner promises to take me to Stretch Fruit Island some day to see my fav snack being made. I bought twinsie matching bikinis—I’m ready to go to the magical stretch isalnd!

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

Dishes! By the time I’ve finished a book, I have ignored the dishes (and I don’t own a dishwasher!) to such an extent that I have piles in both sinks, hidden in the oven, my frig is filled with takeout, and we are using paper plates, and plasticware.

Do you have any odd writing quirks?

I overuse and misuse the word “grab.” My sister has to edit hundreds of “grabs” out of all my novels. I also like to add in my first draft funny made-up words, her name, and weird foods she likes just to see if she notices. Needless to say, there’re alot of easter eggs in my stories!

What animal or object best represents you as an author or your writing style?

The ocean– beautiful, endlessly entertaining, deadly, fun, unpredictable, and endless. I hope I’m reincarnated as coral. I love the ocean!

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing, and by whom?

Perfectionism is a form of procrastination. I love details and falling into rewriting one over and over again for hours. But, now I shoot for good enough. I’d still be editing my first story if I didn’t change my attitude!

What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?

I thought by writing I’d start running out of stories and ideas but the opposite happens. The more creative I am, the more stories and ideas I have. I wanted to write a few specific stories, and now I have a list of stories there’s no possibility of finishing even if I continue to clone myself.

Have you ever hated one of your characters?

Ha! My sister would say I hate every male character I write. I can’t help that guys always end up being asshats and not the bightest crayons in the box.

What books did you grow up reading?

Sweet Valley Highs- because I’m a twin! My sister and I would fight over who was Jessica because, seriously, who wants to be Elizabeth? Also, we always thought every story should end with the sisters dumping the guys and picking each other. Who needs a guy when you were born with your soulmate?

Do you only read books in one genre or do you genre hop?

I’m a viracious reader. Growing up can’t-buy-shoes-every-year poor, my library card was how I traveled and experienced new foods, places, people, animals, and fashion by livign through the characters. I’d read through shelves of books. Now, I cannot walk into a bookstore without needing to check if I have room in my trunk for the loads of books I buy. I worked at a bookstore in college and with an unlimited supply, I read humor, travel, self-help, scifi, mystery, westerns, romance, math, travel, economic, bios, Christian, and anything I’m given. I have a problem….

Meet Harmony Noble

Meet the unstoppable twins from the wilds of Alaska—

Harmony & Melody, aka “Author Harmony Noble.”

This dynamite duo is storming the romance market with their quirky adventures & sassy take on classic love stories.

Author Harmony Noble writes love stories with heartwarming charm & unforgettable characters set in small towns of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

This best-selling romance author captivates readers worldwide with sweet and unexpectedly disastrous love stories. Fueled by endless lattes, their character-driven stories burst with authenticity, humor, and heart. Author Harmony Noble’s novels promise quirkiness, Alaskan grit, and delicious happily-ever-after endings.

Growing up in picturesque Alaska, they find inspiration in their breathtaking surroundings & the warmth of their Alaskan community. Their stories reflect small-town charm and wilderness survival with a dash of unexpected romance.

Harmony & Melody’s writing journey began as cafe owners, watching the drama unfolding in the lives of their customers and baristas. Their passion for storytelling, enjoyment of drama, and love of love shine through in every book.

When not crafting love stories, the twins enjoy hiking, salmon fishing, husband-hunting, discovering new coffee shops, and traveling. Their dynamic life experiences along with adventurous spirits enrich their novels and characters.

Join Author Harmony Noble on a wild ride where happy-go-lucky, strong women take control and determine their own destiny. Love triumphs against all odds. Dreams really do come true. And—most importantly—every story celebrates genuine love.
Happy Reading & Embrace True Love.

Visit Harmony Noble’s Website

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Author Interview