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Author Interview: Suzanne Lenoir Chats about A Talent Within

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Get ready to learn more about the book A Talent Within in this discussion with sapphic author Suzanne Lenoir.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Suzanne Lenoir about A Talent Within, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the First Love category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write A Talent Within?

A Talent Within was my debut novel. When I decided I wanted to try and write a novel, I felt I would be most successful writing about something I enjoyed researching. From the time I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated with the Middle Ages. I’ve read dozens of histories, taken multiple classes, and been to as many arms and armor exhibits as I could find. What better way to use that knowledge, than to create a fantasy world that felt accurate and yet different.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

I really enjoyed creating Annika’s father, Steffen. He is accepting of Annika and Evelyn’s relationship. He’s encouraging, protective, and yet gruff, which makes him realistic.

What was the biggest challenge writing this book?

As a first time writer, I had absolutely no idea how to write a novel. I can tell you the first draft, and the second draft, was not the same story as the final book; the only similarities were the main characters and the setting. It took me five years from concept to publication, but I learned so much during that time, and I am very proud of the final product.

How did you come up with the title for your book?

Great question. I had help. My wife and her sister are amazing at bantering one-liners back and forth, like t-shirt slogans and new company names. So I told them via text message, what the story was about and a few important words, and asked them to dream up titles. I got about fifty replies in less than ten minutes. I selected my three favorites and got feedback from my cousin who is a librarian. After that, I did some searches to see if there were any other fantasy books with the title, A Talent Within. Seeing none, the book title was born.

If you’re planning a sequel, can you share a tiny bit about your plans for it?

The second book in the Valmoran series, A Talent Ignited, is already published. I made sure that both books have satisfying endings. I’m not a fan of full on cliffhangers, but I left enough stuff happening around Evelyne and Annika to continue the story to a third book if readers want one.

What is your writing process like?

I’ve tried to outline each of my novels, but I’ve found that I do best when I define the beginning and the ending and just write to get there. I throw out a lot of words, but that’s the process that gets the best results out of me. Ultimately, writing, for me, is a labor of love, and having people read my books and enjoy them is my goal. So even though I wish I could write faster, in my case, faster isn’t better.

Where do you usually write, and what do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I write alone in a semi-reclined position using a lap desk while wearing a headset and listening to playlists I’ve curated myself. You’ll never find me writing anywhere with other people. I’m an extrovert who likes to talk to strangers, so I get way too distracted.

What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?

My answer is the same for both. A deadline. I’ve worked well to deadlines all my life, so I knew that having one would help motivate me. But at the same time, a deadline means I can’t keep tweaking my story to my satisfaction. Once the deadline passes, I have to let it out in the world in a perceived imperfect state. If only I’d had a few more weeks, I could have made that scene better…

What do you do to get inside your character’s heads?

I actually have to do this very consciously because I see stories like movies in my head. The characters are generally talking to each other, and I am watching them like a camera. A few years ago, I was a student in the Golden Crown Literary Society’s Writing Academy. My early homework really showed this tendency to watch from a distance. Luckily the feedback I got from my instructors helped me understand how to reframe so my mind camera is seeing from the character’s point of view instead. This small change made a huge difference in my writing.

Describe your favorite reading spot.

I read every night in bed. I find it the very best way to be fully invested in the reading process without distraction. I live in a city where there is a lot of ambient noise during the day. Near midnight, a serenity falls over the alleyway behind my home. Sometimes I stay up too late because a story is gripping, but that is a small price to pay for the enjoyment. I also tend to read more than one book at a time.

Do you only read books in one genre or do you genre hop?

I hop around like a bunny. I read contemporary romance, historical romance, thrillers, manga, fantasy, science fiction, historical non-fiction. I’m currently reading a book on ancient philosophy, Rachel Spangler’s latest romance, a young adult graphic novel, and Foreign Affairs magazine. There are so many things I want to understand about the world and reading is one way to fill that desire.

Meet Suzanne Lenoir

Suzanne is a technophile, video gamer, history buff, and builder of model siege engines. Originally from the east coast (USA), she lives in Cincinnati, OH, with her adventurous, spreadsheet-loving wife.

Visit Suzanne Lenoir’s Website

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Author Interview