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Author Interview: Iona Kane Chats about Sleepless Nights

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Get ready to learn more about the book Sleepless Nights in this discussion with sapphic author Iona Kane.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Iona Kane about Sleepless Nights, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Road Trip category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Sleepless Nights?

This was my debut novel and I’ve always loved reading celebrity romances and rock stars are my favourite kind of celebrities. What could be more fun than writing about a faded, jaded star from the eighties and a current superstar who, for all their differences, can’t help falling in love while on the road.

Who is your favorite character in the book?

I love them both, but Tyra is more like me, I guess. We’re both capable of making the odd bad decision. Ty’s more cynical than I could ever be, but it’s not surprising with the life she’s led.

I’ve also got a soft spot for the twins. Very different, but both loveable in their own ways. I would love to tour with this band!

What was the biggest challenge writing this book?

The biggest challenge by far was not knowing how to write a book! Sleepless Nights was a long time in the writing, with several taught writing retreats and courses helping to shape it along the way. The satisfaction in finally having a story that I was happy to share with the world was amazing.

What part of Sleepless Nights was the most fun to write?

I loved coming up with the cover songs that Alex performed with the Dandylions at each gig. Watch one had a relevance to the city they were performing in, and although I never named them directly they were very clear in my head. A playlist of the tracks was my constant companion while I wrote the book.

How did you come up with the title for your book?

Sleepless Nights is the one song that Ty has never performed since her heyday and the effect seeing her play it has on Alex is one of my favourite scenes in the book.

What is your writing process like?

I’m trying so hard to become at least a plantser, but when I wrote Sleepless Nights I was definitely full-on pantsing. I didn’t know how to write the end of a book so I just kept going. I had to kill a whole herd of darlings. There’s probably enough cut chapters for a sequel!

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

I’m a little obsessed with the Girl Games books by Ruby Roe at the moment, and I’m guessing anything that’s so much fun to read must’ve been a ball to write, too. I really admire her effortless world building, it’s like you’re instantly at home in this fascinating fantasy world. So I’m going for a day with Ruby, discussing steamy fantasy and TikTok 😎

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

I don’t celebrate until it’s out in the world. Then I like to open a bottle of champagne. My wife likes rosé wine, I prefer white, so we compromise and have rosé 🙄

Do you have any odd writing quirks?

I find it difficult to write sitting down so I’m often at my standing desk, and I like to write on my phone while walking. Luckily I live somewhere with a lot of quiet lanes otherwise it could be dangerous.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing, and by whom?

Get your ass on the chair. I’m a great procrastinator. My house will never be as clean as it is when I have a deadline. But reminding myself that if I don’t sit down (or stand up) and write, the words won’t get wrote, is usually enough to get me back to work.

Have you ever cried when writing an emotional scene?

Yes I have. If a main character is crying in the scene, I quite often spill a tear or two. The same if it’s a funny scene. If they’re laughing I should be too. If I’m not, I probably need to rewrite it.

Have you ever hated one of your characters?

In Sleepless Nights I was not super-keen on Alex’s manager, Linda. I didn’t want her to be a loveable character as she’s partly responsible for Alex being unhappy in her life. I may have loosely based her on one or two people I’ve worked with in the past!

What books did you grow up reading?

I read ALL the books. As a teenager, one summer I finished the entire local public library. The fiction section, at least. I had to move on to the larger branch in the next town. I loved books that I could consume and enjoy and then move on. I love the reviews when readers say they couldn’t put my book down. That’s what I love as a reader, and it’s what I aspire to as a writer.

Describe your favorite reading spot.

At home it’s my garden hammock, but I do love to read on the beach, with the sound of crashing waves in the background.

Meet Iona Kane

Iona Kane is a queer author writing books about strong sapphics who overcome the odds to find love.

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Author Interview