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Author Interview: Arden Coutts Chats about Fall Into Midnight

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Get ready to learn more about the book Fall Into Midnight in this discussion with sapphic author Arden Coutts.

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we quiz Arden Coutts about Fall Into Midnight, writing, reading, and more.

This book is part of the Dark Romance category in the 2024 IHS Reading Challenge.

Why did you write Fall Into Midnight?

I’m a huge fan of 90s action films and one sleepless night I got the idea to have a genderfluid bodyguard fall in love with their protectee and that morphed into a bouncer falling in love with an ER doctor. I haven’t seen many genderfluid characters and as someone that is non-binary I liked the idea of my main character being genderfluid. I’d been thinking about writing Fall Into Midnight for over a year before I actually started writing it and once I started I couldn’t stop. I finished the first draft in 30 days!

Who is your favorite character in the book?

Gray, our genderfluid bouncer, is my favorite character although Marcus and James are close seconds. Gray is very much who I wish I was. They are confident, controlled, and have their shit together which is the opposite of me!

What part of Fall Into Midnight was the most fun to write?

I really love action when it comes to the content that I consume. I love action movies, podcasts about action movies, books with action, etc. so getting to write my own action scenes was really fun. I know some authors find it to be a bit overwhelming when writing action sequences but I adore it. My brain kind of goes into autopilot and I just get to typing and before I know it, I’ve got a full fight or action sequence done!

How did you come up with the title for your book?

I can’t write without music. Each of my books has a playlist that goes with it. I include a QR code at the beginning of each book so that readers can listen to the music that inspired the book as they read. Fall Into Midnight comes from the song “Midnight” by Alesso featuring Liam Payne, of One Direction fame. I was obsessively listening to this song throughout the drafting of Fall Into Midnight, and the lyrics, “I just wanna lay here, and fall into midnight,” really resonated with me and fit the nightclub vibe of the book perfectly. Hence the name, Fall Into Midnight!

What is your writing process like?

I am a pantser BUT I am learning more about plotting and have used some cool plotting techniques on some of my more recent projects and have found that it does make the writing process a bit easier! I love be a pantser because it is less formulated and my brain and the characters can kind of take over and just take the story where they want. It makes the writing processes a bit freer in my opinion.

Where do you usually write, and what do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I usually write at my desk or at a local coffee shop. I have to have music to stay focused and I also have a variety of fidget toys that are always present when I’m writing otherwise I would never get anything done.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

Tal Bauer. I love love loooove his work, especially his action-packed series, like The Executive Office series. It’s everything I enjoy reading. I can only hope to one day write something that is on the same level. His action sequences are so well done and the characters so well developed. Not to mention all the steamy love scenes! It’s the perfect mix of action and heartfelt moments.

What’s your favorite writing snack or drink?

My favorite drink is coffee. I’m very boring, it’s usually just black coffee or coffee with a bit of creamer. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll go with some loose leaf lavender earl grey tea, which is delicious but not my go to drink. I don’t actually snack or eat a lot while writing. I kind of get in the zone and often times will forget to feed myself!

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

I celebrate by either taking myself out to eat or buying myself something that I’ve been wanting, usually another book!

Is there a particular genre you would love to write but only under a pseudonym?

Maybe historical romance, I’m an archaeologist by trade and love history so I think it would be fun to dive into that world. But I would us a pseudonym since it’s different from what I normally write.

Do you have any odd writing quirks?

Besides always having to have music, I think I sway a bit when I type which some folks might find odd!

Do you have a pet who helps/hinders your typing?

Sadly no 🙁

What animal or object best represents you as an author or your writing style?

Narwhal! Mainly because I’m obsessed with Narwhals, I even have a tattoo of one! His name is Norman the Narwhal. I like to think of myself as a bit of a unicorn of the sea, much like a narwhal, I’m a bit quirky and weird.

What are three words that describe your personality?

Awkward, Unintentionally Funny. I am super socially awkward and am often making people laugh with my bad jokes and awkward movements, whether I mean to or not!

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing, and by whom?

Don’t read the reviews. I’m a people pleaser and when I first published I couldn’t stop looking at the reviews and every one that I read I was like, “oh, that’s something I can change, I can make it better” and so on, to the point where I was tempted to pull my book and start over so that I could please the reviewers. I love feedback but it got to the point where I was second guessing everything I was writing and it was time to actually listen to and follow the advice of “Don’t read the reviews.” Now that I let the reviews go, I’m so much happier and while I appreciate any and all reviews, it’s so much better to just let them go and not pay attention to them.

What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?

Time management! I am a planner, which has helped me so much when it comes to writing books. I’m also determined to write as many books as possible so that determination has helped me tremendously. I set time aside two or three days out of the week to write and I make sure to put it in my planner so I can physically see it and mark it off when it’s completed. If you’re interested in learning more about planning and time management I highly recommend checking out Sara Cannon/Heart Breathings on YouTube for some great tips!

What type of books do you enjoy reading the most?

Fantasy! One of the first “big books” I read as a kid was Terry Brooks “The Elfstones of Shannara” and I fell in love with fantasy. I was already super into fantasy movies as a kid and finding that books existed in that same genre changed my world. I grew up in rural Nebraska and reading fantasy allowed for me to be transported to wonderful worlds. I’ve always been into fantasy and if anything I’ve become more passionate about it as I’ve gotten older. I’m even working on a romantasy!

Do you only read books in one genre or do you genre hop?

I am a genre hopper! I read a lot of romance, queer romance, and military/action romance but when I get burned out on the romance I always go back to fantasy and speculative fiction. I am a huge fan of Jim Butcher and the Dresden Files so any time I need a palate cleanser I’ll pick up a Jim Butcher book.

Meet Arden Coutts

I am a trans-non-binary author who writes queer romantic suspense, horror, and romantasy, that leaves you gasping whether that be in horror or in love.

Visit Arden Coutts’ Website

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Author Interview