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Search Results for: AJ Estelliam

Cover of Kit Adams

Book: Kit Adams

By AJ Estelliam

After being dumped by her girlfriend, Kit heads out into the night only to find herself broken even further when she becomes part of a road-traffic accident. Thrown through the windshield, Kit suffers a life-changing head wound which leaves her…

Cover of The Shoebox

Book: The Shoebox

By AJ Estelliam

Unfortunately, their newfound happiness remains yet to be explored, when a cold case rears its ugly head. With discoveries of long-dead buried bodies, it’s down to Kit to solve the questions that have never been answered. Kit uncovers missing men…

Cover of Eve Heartless

Book: Eve Heartless

By AJ Estelliam

Instructed to allow herself to be claimed by a suitable Alpha, Eve fights back against this, knowing that it won’t make her happy and aware that she is different. As the Amasari pack come under attack from an unknown force,…

Cover of Jess Steele

Book: Jess Steele

By AJ Estelliam

With hints of witchcraft shrouding the scene, the obvious person to question first is Alestria Whitby-a renowned woman in Raveryn Ridge due to her family’s historical connection to Moonacre Mansion. Ally is reluctant to get involved in the murders which…

Cover of Firecracker

Book: Firecracker

By AJ Estelliam

As a young omega wolf, Fiya does not have the luxury of making her own choices. Her controlling mother, burdened as a single grieving parent, has always dictated Fiya’s life goals. Fiya hopes that when she starts college, she will…

Cover of Cold

Book: Cold

By AJ Estelliam

Deciding to accept the offer of work at the police station where Grey works, Kit decides to assign herself to a section where she knows she can help-the cold cases. Gifted with psychic insight, Kit is overwhelmed with knowledge as…