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Search Results for: Belinda Harrison

Cover of Chosen For Thermopylae

Book: Chosen For Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

Having decided to remain in Trachis, and leave behind the nomadic life she has always known, Skylar has begun a new life. She and Alexis have settled into a comfortable rhythm, until Alexis makes a request Skylar is not certain…

Cover of The Ker at Thermopylae

Book: The Ker At Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

Everyone has secrets. But what has Leandros kept from Skylar that would cause her to turn from him, perhaps forever, and should she believe what others tell her over the man who has cared for her and taught her for…

Cover of Dark Thermopylae

Book: Dark Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

Nine winters have passed in Trachis since Ava’s dramatic birth at the hands of Ares and his Keres. The child has grown with the love of her parents and grandparents with no outward signs – or knowledge of – the…

Cover of Far From Thermopylae

Book: Far From Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

It’s time for the Chosen One to stand at Ares’ side. Her hatred for the Persians runs deep. She is the fierce warrior Ares has always wanted. The warrior he created after he took her parents and drove a wedge…

Cover of End of War in Thermopylae

Book: End of War in Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

Before Ava sent Ares to the cage, he promised her the Persians would return to Greek shores and in the autumn of 480BC, nine winters after Ava’s return to Trachis, his words ring true. The yellow caps are sailing to…

Cover of Princess of Thermopylae

Book: Princess of Thermopylae

By Belinda Harrison

Greece, 510BC Skylar has spent the past six winters travelling throughout Attica and the Peloponnese assisting those who requested aid, her father her only companion. Princess Alexis of Trachis has spent the past five winters with the fearsome tribe of…