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Search Results for: Jacquie Lyon

Cover of Sealed with a Kiss

Book: Sealed with a Kiss

By Sam Skyborne

Crushed with a broken heart, a young Jacquie Lyon fled the island of her childhood as soon as she could, vowing never to look back. Now, two decades later, she has a new, full life with a successful career as…

Cover of The Sappho Romance

Book: The Sappho Romance

By Jacquie Lyon and Sam Skyborne

The Sappho Romance The best-kept secret of antiquity—the veil has finally been lifted on the legend of Sappho and her true love, Phaon. A vivid tale of rivalry, passion, power, loss and love. It all started on an ‘unsinkable’ ship,…

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Author Interview: Sam Skyborne Chats about Sealed with a Kiss

…they could elope together. I practically completed a PhD myself on the topic! Hence, I ended up writing and publishing “The Sappho Romance” under the pen name of Jacquie Lyon. If you’re planning a sequel, can you share a tiny…

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Author Interview: Sam Skyborne Chats about Eye of the Storm

…love stories in the Lesvos Island Collection, one of the characters, Jacquie Lyon, walked off the page, so to speak, to write a book about Sappho—a sapphic retelling of the story of the poet Sappho. So yes, she is now…

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Author Interview: S. M. Skyborne Chats about Finding ALICE

…thriller series, including “Risk” and “Finding ALICE”. While writing “Sealed with a Kiss”, one of the love stories in the Lesvos Island Collection, one of the characters, Jacquie Lyon, walked off the page, so to speak, to write a book…