A Huntress Of The Night

The In Cold Embrace Series, Book 1

By Gwen Leonhard

Who is hunting who in the neon lights of the streets?

Discover Herzkirch, a city in the middle of a monster-infested wasteland, on top of a hollowed-out mountain. The Reinblut Kirche, a religious institution, holds it firmly – rallying the people against Blendlings, the half-blood offspring of Biest and humans. Freyja is such a Blendling, that manages really well to stealth between humans. So well that the Reinblut Kirche hires her to slay a Biest in the lower part of the city. This monster has dared to take a nun of the church hostage – at least that is what Freyja is told. But all is not as it seems, and maybe her target isn’t as much a threat as a companion to be enjoyed …

In this story, powerful women take center stage – foremost Freyja as a homosexual trans woman –, carving their paths through adversity and religious norms. Still, at the heart of this narrative lies a love story that doesn’t shy away from showing intimacy between its protagonists – it rather likes to indulge in it.

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