Eye of the Beholder

A Reimagining of Beauty and the Beast

The Magic Mirror Series, Book 1

By C H Clepitt

Not everything is as it first appears.

When pressure from his materialistic children turns Claude into a thief, it is down to his youngest daughter to set things right. Angelique agrees to take her father’s place as prisoner to what she is told is a hideous beast. Angelique soon discovers that the so-called beast is nothing more than Rosalie, a princess cursed to remain trapped in a castle, unless the curse can be broken, something she assures her is impossible. Angelique does not believe in the impossible, and sets about trying to find a way to save her new friend, who she is rapidly growing to love. Eye of the Beholder is the first in a series of queer fairy tale retellings in C H Clepitt’s Magic Mirror Collection.

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