Ferocious Romance

By Donna Minkowitz

What My Encounters With The Right Taught Me About Sex, God, And Fury

In Ferocious Romance, Donna Minkowitz meets her worst enemies — and discovers herself in the process. On assignment for The Village Voice, Minkowitz reported on the religious groups of the far right. She went to a Christian Coalition convention disguised as a delegate, infiltrated the Promise Keepers (disguised as a man) for an award-winning article in Ms., and spent a week with a pastor who protests at the funerals of gay men who died of AIDS. But as this radical lesbian feminist went undercover and got to know her “subjects”, she was startled to learn how much she had in common with the activists she feared and opposed. As Minkowitz discovered parallels between the extremes of religious fundamentalism on the right and sexual liberation groups on the left, she began to explore the connections between love and hate, between victim and victimizer. The result is a personal story of one woman’s battle with her inner demons — and a startling overview of our contemporary wars of sex, religion, and gender.

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