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Talk Nerdy to Me

By C.A. Beymer

Lisa was looking for an escape. A weekend at NerdCon was her portal into a world of fans, fun, merch, and stars.

And there’s one star in particular she’s looking forward to meeting this weekend: Nicole Blake. She’s the dashing captain on the hit series Captain’s Quest, and to say Lisa has a bit of a crush would be like saying the great and powerful Shatner has a bit of an ego.

The only problem? The most she can expect is a quick meet and greet and an autograph, and it’s not like she’s heard a whisper of Nicole Blake being into the ladies.

Nicole was looking for some fun. Fresh off a grueling shooting schedule on the hottest new streaming scifi phenom, all she wanted was a weekend with her people.

This was her first con as a star rather than a guest, and it was something she’d been looking forward to her whole life.

What she wasn’t looking forward to or expecting? Meeting a fan who answers the age old questions “what is beautiful?” and “what is love?” in one tight little package!

Lisa expected a meet and greet and an autograph. Nicole was looking forward to an easy weekend basking in adoration from fans.

Neither one expected to find a whirlwind romance or the beginnings of something neither one realized they needed until they found it!

Talk Nerdy to Me is a 110,000 geeky lesbian romcom that’s sure to please your inner nerd and shows what happens at the convention doesn’t always stay at the convention!

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