The Heart Wants What it Wants

A Destined Twin Flame Journey

By D.M. Batten

If "Perks of Being a Wallflower" and "Dawson's Creek" had a lovechild, with a dash of "Shameless" and a smidgeon of "Party Monsters", that would be this book!

This autobiography is particularly significant as it explores open-mindedness, non-traditional love, and caters to various niches such as coming-of-age, LGBTQIA+, twin flames, spiritualists, and those who dedicate themselves to serving God, regardless of their background or the trials they encounter in life.

As a college Professor and a PhD Candidate, I have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable obstacles and been blessed with the ability to empathize with people from all walks of life, embracing diversity. I have learned how to apply my knowledge by experiencing life firsthand, rather than merely preaching about it. With a personal objective to align my perspective with a higher power, I am confident that this book accomplishes that goal, gradually guiding readers through the many challenges life presents and offering insights on viewing them through the lens of unconditional love.

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