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The Winter Glass House

By Mardria Portuondo

The winter holidays are my favorite time of year.

I must admit that I’m a little obsessed, but I have good reasons. My childhood memories have shaped the adult I’ve become and this incredibly beautiful season has always been a part of me. I’m like a child again when the holidays come around, and the decorations at this time of the year are unlike any other season – simply spectacular. I am usually alone for the holidays and that is how I like it because it is the time when I reflect, experience unbridled joy, and set the stage for the new year.

But, this Christmas marks a new beginning and the template for what the holidays should look like for me has just been shattered. A customer, a coffee shop, and the guts to be brave were all it took to suddenly find myself spending the holidays in a magnificent winter glass house with the most beautiful woman I have ever met. At the moment, it is just the beginning of a wonderful friendship. I dare to wish for more, and why not? This is the season of magic!

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