What Happened After… Chicago Series Finale

By Nicole Pyland

This is the Chicago Series Finale: a collection of 4 short stories about each featured couple in the Chicago Series. The events take place after each story's respective Epilogue.

This is the Chicago Series Finale: a collection of 4 short stories about each featured couple in the Chicago Series. The events take place after each story’s respective Epilogue.

Do you ever read a story, fall in love with the characters and wonder what happens to them after the book ends? Epilogues are nice, but they’re a snapshot in time. Maybe it’s a year after the end of the book or even just six months. Maybe there’s a proposal or a wedding. Maybe a character announces she’s pregnant. Maybe a character just got their dream job.

I write the epilogues in my books mostly for myself because I want to know where they go next. I like to check in on them to find out about those next big steps in their lives. What I’m doing here is adding to their stories.

There’s a danger in this, of course. What if you’re already satisfied with how the story ended for the characters? What if this ruins it for you? That is a risk you’ll have to decide on your own to take. I’m merely providing short glimpses into the lives of my characters beyond their epilogues.

If you plan to read these, please read all the books in the series first. Because the lives of the characters in the Chicago Series are so closely woven together, you won’t want to read the additional content for Eva and Ember, for example, until you’ve read all four of the Chicago Series books.

List of books in the Chicago Series:

Introduction – Fresh Start
Book #1 – The Best Lines
Book #2 – Just Tell Her
Book #3 – Love Walked into The Lantern
Series Finale – What Happened After

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