Image of a heart with rainbows

Cindy Rizzo Selfie, Caturday, Book Deals, and Sapphic News

Happy weekend!

This is where you’ll find announcements for readers and authors, a weekly Caturday photo, SapphFic Community Bulletin Board, book deals, author selfie, and the guessing game Where in the Heck was TB.

Let’s get to it.

I Heart SapphFic Week in Review

Here are the links for this week’s posts:

Sponsor SpotlightOne of the new features with the website is authors are now able to support IHS through paid advertising. Many authors have joined our Advertising Pilot Program to help us test the ads and to allow wiggle room for our website developers to make adjustments in real time.

As a way to show our appreciation for sponsoring the all-new I Heart SapphFic, we’re spotlighting authors who’ve joined the Advertising Pilot Program.

Check out these spotlights:

We wouldn’t be able to run IHS without the amazing support of so many brilliant, kind, and generous authors. Please support all the authors helping IHS.

For details for how you can help sponsor IHS so we can make the new website even better click here.

My cat is named Shea and he’s 17. Submitted by Lorraine, a reader.

SapphFic Community Bulletin Board

Please click on the images for the details for each announcement. 

Book Bingo Image

Sapphic Book Bingo Graphic


Have community news you want included in a future edition of this section? Click here for submission details.

Great SapphFic Bargains

Please note, prices may change without notice, so please check the price before clicking a buy button. International prices may vary.

Photo of Cindy Rizzo

Have you checked out Cindy’s The Border Crosser? Get it here.

Where the heck was TB?

TB loves exploring places near and far, so we’ve decided to start a weekly game, where TB goes on an adventure, snaps some photos, and then lets you guess her location.

To answer last week’s mystery, 82% of you were right, Miranda and I went to Ptown for Women’s Week. Also, 14% of you clocked my latest tits shirt, and don’t tell Miranda, I may have another she hasn’t seen yet but I haven’t had a chance to show it off. Shhh…

Now for this week’s fun. Both TB and Miranda have a writing deadline, and TB has a nasty head cold, so for this week’s mystery, TB’s digging back into her photos from the summer.

Here are some facts about the place TB & Miranda visited last July.

1. It’s the capital city of New Mexico.

2. You can visit the San Miguel Church, which is the oldest church in the continental United States.

3. It’s a fantastic art city, with many museums, including the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.

4. The name of the city means ‘Holy Faith’ in Spanish.

5. The area was originally inhabited by indigenous Tanoan peoples, who lived in numerous Pueblo villages along the Rio Grande

Now for some of TB’s photos.

Time to vote where in the heck you think TB visited. Polls are open until November 3 and the answer will be revealed on Saturday, November 5.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Where in the Heck is TB?

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!

Miranda & TB

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