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Mission Book Possible #5

Find a Book

The BookFinder is a month old!

With more than 1,750 books already in this new database, we wanted to create a fun way to help readers get acquainted with it.

Each day in November, we’re going to provide you with a sapphic book finding mission. Four prizes of a $15 Amazon gift card will be awarded during the month on Wednesdays, beginning next week, November 9.

Here’s how it’ll work:

Many of you already know that TB’s a history nut, so she’s been digging into historical happenings for each day in November to inspire the daily book-finding missions.

Once a day, I Heart SapphFic will share the day’s mission in the IHS Reader Group on Facebook. Your assignment will be to check the I Heart SapphFic Bookfinder for a book that fulfills the mission, and then to report back to the Facebook group with a link to that book on the IHS website. To get the link to the book, click on the cover and then copy the URL to paste in the Facebook group.

You are allowed one entry per mission. On November 9, 16, 23, and 30, TB will use a random number generator to select the winner from the entries that were received.

Graphic of Mission Book Possible

Now let’s get to today’s fun: Ida Tarbell

Ida Minerva Tarbell was born on November 5, 1857.

Tarbell was an investigative journalist, biographer, and lecturer. She was one of the most prominent muckrakers during the Progressive Era, taking on the Standard Oil Company. From 1902 to 1904, she published a series of articles in McClure’s Magazine and historian Daniel Yergin asserts Tarbell’s examination of Standard Oil is “the single most influential book on business ever published in the United States.”

During her sixty-four-year career she also wrote many biographies. Tarbell believed “the Truth and motivations of powerful human beings could be discovered” and that Truth could be used to facilitate “meaningful social change.”

She traveled to all forty-eight states (all the states during her lifetime) on a lecture circuit, discussing war, world peace, American politics, tariffs, trusts, labor concerns, and women’s issues.

Tarbell never married. In 1939, she completed her autobiography at the age of eighty-two.

Tarbell’s writings were comprehensive, meticulously researched, and filled with vivid descriptions of societal problems.

She died of pneumonia on January 6, 1944, at the age eighty-six. At the time, she was working on a book titled Life After Eighty.

To honor Ida Tarbell, we’re asking readers to go to the BookFinder and look up books in the following Archetype category: Reporter / Journalist

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Find a book you haven’t read yet, or if you come across an old favorite, share it and tell us why. To enter the giveaway, share your entry in the Facebook group.

Remember, the more days you play, the more entries you’ll receive for the $15 Amazon gift card, so don’t forget to check back tomorrow for another Book Finding Mission.

Authors, if your books aren’t in the database yet, we highly recommend you submit them now. Here’s the form.

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