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Benna Bos Selfie, Caturday, Book Deals, and Sapphic News

Happy weekend!

This is where you’ll find announcements for readers and authors, a weekly Caturday photo, SapphFic Community Bulletin Board, book deals, author selfie, and the guessing game Where in the Heck was TB.

Let’s get to it.

I Heart SapphFic Week in Review

Here are the links for this week’s posts:

Graphic of Mission Book Possible

Have you entered the Mission: Book Possible $15 Amazon gift card giveaway? Here are the first 5 missions, if you choose to accept them…

Sponsor SpotlightOne of the new features with the website is authors are now able to support IHS through paid advertising. Many authors have joined our Advertising Pilot Program to help us test the ads and to allow wiggle room for our website developers to make adjustments in real time.

As a way to show our appreciation for sponsoring the all-new I Heart SapphFic, we’re spotlighting authors who’ve joined the Advertising Pilot Program.

Check out these spotlights:

We wouldn’t be able to run IHS without the amazing support of so many brilliant, kind, and generous authors. Please support all the authors helping IHS.

For details for how you can help sponsor IHS so we can make the new website even better click here.

Meet reader Megan K’s beautiful cat named Persephone.

SapphFic Community Bulletin Board

Please click on the images for the details for each announcement. 

Tapping into Love Giveaway Graphic

Jae Cuddle Romance Giveaway Graphic

Have community news you want included in a future edition of this section? Click here for submission details.

Great SapphFic Bargains

Please note, prices may change without notice, so please check the price before clicking a buy button. International prices may vary.

Benna Bos Selfie
Have you read Defending Jessica yet? Get it here.

Where the heck was TB?

TB loves exploring places near and far, so we’ve decided to start a weekly game, where TB goes on an adventure, snaps some photos, and then lets you guess her location.

To answer last week’s mystery, 83% of you were right, Miranda and I were in Santa Fe. Also, 11% of you agree that New Mexico has yummy enchiladas! Now, I’m craving some…

Now for this week’s fun. After their hairy writing deadline for Christmas at Rainbow Falls, both TB and Miranda needed a day away from their laptops to get out into fresh air and to discuss their next two writing projects (November’s going to be a busy month!). Whenever they embark on a new project, they meet up in Concord for lunch and a fun activity.

Here are some facts about the fun place TB & Miranda visited.

1. It was the home of the Alcott family, including Louisa May Alcott.

2. In her bedroom, there’s still the shelf desk where Louisa May Alcott penned Little Women, her best-known work.

3. On the grounds, Bronson (Louisa’s father) built the Concord School of Philosophy.

4. The original house was too dilapidated when Bronson Alcott purchased it. He made many improvements, including rolling a smaller tenant house on logs, to enlarge the back part of the main house.

5. Roughly 75% of the contents of the house actually belonged to the family and it’s like stepping into the pages of Little Women.

Now for some of TB’s photos. You’re not allowed to take photos once inside the house.

Time to vote where in the heck you think TB visited. Polls are open until November 10 and the answer will be revealed on Saturday, November 12.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Where the Heck is TB?

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!

Miranda & TB

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