We’ve made it to another Friday and it’s time to celebrate!
We have three top sapphic books with the most clicks this week, 5 Random Things about author Kelly Farmer, and an adorable dog with fantastic ears to get your weekend off to a wonderful start!
We’re also thrilled to introduce something new. We don’t know about you, but we’re always super curious (read: very nosy) about what books authors enjoy reading. Instead of guessing, we’ve decided why not just ask them? Today we’re launching a new weekly feature called Authors Getting Rec’d.
The concept is simple. We’ve asked the authors of top sapphic books to recommend a personal favorite women-loving-women book. The catch is, they must choose a book written by someone else! We’re all about lifting each other up here at IHS. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats.
Be aware, these are not necessarily unbiased reviews. In the interest of transparency, we will always tell you if the authors have a personal connection. In fact, you might even get some fun behind the scenes stories of IRL author friendships!
We’re excited to add some wonderful lesfic titles to our own TBR piles. TB is always saying there’s no such thing as too many books. (Side note, this was why her four international moves were painful. So many book boxes!)
We’re thrilled to have Katherine Blakeman as the first author to share a favorite book. Find out which book here.
Speaking of books, today’s freebie is by bestselling lesbian fiction author Cara Malone.
Please remember that sale prices listed in today’s post are valid for a limited time only and may change without notice. International prices may vary. Always check the price in your local marketplace before purchasing.