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All About: The Apples Hung Like Stars by Ali Williams

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The Apples Hung Like Stars

by Ali Williams

Released: Jul 01, 2024

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Why this book and why now?

I’ve been writing paranormals for a while, but I’ve been longing to get to grips with the fae, and from a mythologically sound perspective! And to make it gay, of course!

What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?

It’s a sapphic retelling of Tam Lin, and I didn’t expect the trials that Tam Lin goes through in the original to move to Janet and the Fae Queen.

Would you and your main character(s) get along?

Absolutely. Janet and I would be besties. Her ADHD brain and my AuDHD brain would be very compatible for a neurospicy friendship.

Do your character names have special significance or meaning?

Janet is the name of the mortal in Tam Lin, and Cliodhna is the name of the Queen of the Banshees in Irish mythology.

What 3 things would your main character want with them if they got stranded away from civilization, and why?

Cliodhna was stranded – all of fae were trapped behind the Veil for centuries – and the things she missed most were sensations, conversations that didn’t revolve around what they missed, and debauchery. These days she’d take Janet, a flogger, and a comfy bed (for post-sex cuddles and sleeping).

One of your main characters is planning a romantic night. Tell us about it.

Janet would absolutely try and do sweet, romantic things for Cliodhna. Introduce her to mundane things that she wouldn’t have bothered with before. I can imagine the two of them watch tv shows about mythology together, and Cliodhna finding the whole thing hysterical.

Publishing a book is a huge accomplishment and it’s time to party! Choose a celebratory beverage for one of your main characters to toast the release of your new book.

Oh they’d be drinking mead! Mead is used a lot in pagan rituals – I use it in my own ones – and I can imagine Cliodhna and Janet toasting with it, and then Cliodhna making a joke about mead being an aphrodisiac!

Meet Ali Williams

Ali Williams’ inner romance reader is never quite satisfied, which is why she oscillates between writing romance, editing romance and studying it as part of her PhD. She can be found at the foot of the South Downs in the UK, either nerding out over local mythologies or drinking cocktails on the beach.

She believes with all of her bifurious heart that writing romance is an act of rebellion and that academia will be so much better when studying diverse HEAs is naturally part of the curriculum.

Visit Ali Williams’s Website


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