Death Has Golden Eyes

The Dizzy Dixon Mystery Series, Book 1

By Cameron Darrow

Newly returned from war, Dizzy Dixon's new home comes with a problem she didn't expect: a dead werewolf.

“Who was it?” Dizzy asked.
Azalea’s fangs answered before her voice. “An unconscious werewolf. Can I eat her?”

1948. Newly discharged from the British Army, Desdemona “Dizzy” Dixon returns to Britain after four years in a Europe shattered by Nazi occult magic and the atomic weapons that ripped a hole into a parallel dimension known as the Realm. Her plans? Unpack, and make sure her two Realmic companions don’t kill each other.

A tall task when one of them is a vampire.

But adjusting to life in their new home may have to wait. Only a few hours after moving in, she encounters two werewolves—one alive, one dead. Did one kill the other? Or was it a local with everything to fear? Or hate? To the people of the village of Moorhead, these beings of legend are synonymous with Nazi magic—so what if one of them winds up dead?

As Earth’s foremost expert on the Realm and the greatest champion of its strangely-familiar inhabitants, it will be up to Dizzy to separate fact from fairy tale and uncover the truth, for the sake of the living and the dead.

Seductive vampires with a taste for more than blood, local cops out of their depth, small town politics, members of Dizzy’s own fan club and… a talking fox? More than murder and blackmail are afoot on the mist-shrouded moors of the North of England—alive, dead, and everywhere in between!

Set in a world not quite our own and told with Cameron Darrow’s usual mix of humor and heart, the Dizzy Dixon alternate history paranormal mystery series is character-driven, and aimed at adults looking for a blend of pulp, fun and a splash of blood to go with their lesbian detectives and the women they long for—no matter what dimension they come from.

Content warning: This book contains descriptions of dead bodies/parts (human and animal), consumption of raw organs, and blood.

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