Feels Like A Box Set

By Jo Cox

Get the two book box set and read both Feels Like Home and Feels Like Family in one sitting, like a greedy spaniel

Book One: Feels Like Home

Love is messy. Family is messier.

Jess knows that better than anyone. When her mum walked out on her as a child, her godmother Rachel stepped in, and now she’s paying it forward by doing the same for her best friend.

It doesn’t make sense to everyone, least of all Jess’s dad, but she knows he’ll come around. What she’s less sure of is how anyone will react if they find out that she’s head over heels in love with Rachel’s daughter, Melissa.

Avoiding the inevitable only works for so long and when Melissa comes back from university, it’s clear that the feeling is mutual. The question is, will Jess have the courage to risk the only other relationship that means as much – the one with her stand-in parent, Rachel?

A fun friends to lovers romance about what happens when found family collides with the one you were born into.

Book Two: Feels Like Family

V’s about to start her first teaching job. After years of begging favours, juggling childcare, and working her arse off, she’s finally standing on her own two feet. The only trouble is, they’re a bit wobbly.

She knows she doesn’t want her old life anymore, but perhaps the set ideas she had for her new one need some reassessment. In fact, when she’s knocked completely off-balance by Sofia, a hot Italian who’s single-handedly raising the sex appeal of the entire maths department, the whole plan is thrown through a classroom window.

After all, the greatest joy is in the unexpected—she’s got the precocious five-year-old daughter to prove it.

An age-gap romance that’ll add a smile, subtract a frown, and leave you feeling anything but square.

Available through Kindle Unlimited
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