The Witches’ Odyssey

By Autumn Wolff

Two witches kick off a magical journey to better understand their craft, their love, and themselves.

Contessa and Mazel are young witches setting off on their odyssey, the final task for witches seeking to master their magic. Contessa is a fire witch traveling with a black fox familiar named Yeeza, while Mazel is a druidic witch who has a black mouse familiar named Clover.

Joined by their love for each other as well as their craft, Contessa and Mazel leave their home village of Throsj behind and take to the skies as all young witches seeking to prove themselves must do. Following the instructions of their teacher, Zebonza, the witches do all they can to grow and keep the tenets of their Goddess.

Flying from town to town, Mazel and Contessa will meet other witches, try new foods and magic, discover an ancient temple, and even help a family of young adopted witches escape to safe lands. All is not safe for those who practice magic or even those who question the will of the god whose name Templars spread everywhere they go: Domina.

Traveling the world for their arcane studies inevitably puts the witches on a collision course with Templars, ferocious beasts, and haunting visions of the future. But with a little luck from the Goddess and dedication to the craft, these smitten witches will always find a way to continue their quest.

With all the promises and dangers of the world before them, Contessa and Mazel have a lot to learn. But like everything else in life, they’ll do it together.

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