Image of a heart with rainbows

May 24 Edition: 2 Freebies, Top Sapphic Books, Cheyenne Blue, Guess the Author Clue #5, Freebies, and More

Friday Feels Graphic
We’ve made it to another Friday and it’s time to celebrate!

In today’s post you’ll find out the top 3 sapphic books with the most clicks this week.

Lesfic author Cheyenne Blue is our 5 Random Things peep and the facts are fantastic. TB loves Fact #5.

Sapphic reader Sarah shares an adorable photo of a dog who likes to cuddle.

Don’t forget to scroll all the way to the end of this post for good news about the governor of Maine.

Guess the Author GraphicBefore we get to today’s Friday Feels Fun post, it’s time for Guess the Author

Every week, we’ll provide five clues about a sapphic author. This game helps readers get to know their favorite authors while having fun.

Here is today’s clue:

Clue #5: I had the idea for my new book when I took a wrong turn on the same unfamiliar road where my characters get lost in a snowstorm. For the record, I did not get stuck in a cabin with a beautiful woman when it happened to me.

Find Clue #1 here.

Find Clue #2 here.

Find Clue #3 here.

Find Clue #4 here.

Don’t forget to check out Saturday’s post for the answer to this week’s Guess the Author game!

Now For Friday Fun!

Please remember that sale prices listed in today’s post are valid for a limited time only and may change without notice. International prices may vary. Always check the price in your local marketplace before purchasing.

Most Clicked Books:

Random Things:

5 Random Things Cheyenne Blue Graphic

5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about Cheyenne Blue.

1. Not much makes me cry. I’m the dry-eyed one during weepy movies and funerals, but if I see a marching band (whether the Australian Army Band Corps or two kids with a recorder and a triangle) I bawl like a baby.

2. I’ve held many jobs, including horse-riding instructor, anaesthetic tech, database programmer, wine marketer, barperson, and paralegal. The longest job though, is writer, which I’ve been doing since 1999.

3. I’ve cut my own hair most of my life. Recently, though, I’ve recruited my partner to do the back. Luckily I like haphazard hair!

4. I always wear odd socks. I buy expensive merino wool socks for my poor flat feet, but in all different colours. If I happen to pick two socks the same colour from the drawer, I’ll put one back and pick again.

5. I include a lot of dogs in my stories, and (unlike the people) the dogs are always real dogs–either belonging to friends, or dogs I’ve cared for when housesitting.

Have you read Switcheroo yet?

Switcheroo Graphic


Before buying a “free” book, please ensure it’s free in your marketplace. Amazon has a habit of changing the price of permafree titles in stores outside of the US. Please know this it out of the author’s control and we are unable to check prices in all Amazon stores.

Free Books:

Pet of the Week!

Meet Lucy Baxter dog

Lucy Baxter is my dog’s name. Lucy’s a first rate cuddler and nurse trying to make me feel better. Submitted by Sarah, a sapphic reader.

SD Simper Patreon Author of the Week Graphic


In Monday’s post, SD Simper provided 3 truths and a lie. Can you guess the lie?

On Tuesday, SD shared a sweet photo of her dog.

SD is back today with one of her favorite scenes from The Sting of Victory.

Leave a comment on all 3 posts for three chances to win The Sting of Victory.

Everyone can leave a comment, not just paid members. If you’re not a paid member (we use that money to support the I Heart SapphFic website), you can follow us for free in order to leave a comment to enter the giveaway. To join for free, click on the conversation emoji at the bottom of the post and it’ll ask you to join for free to comment.

Have you voted in the latest Best of Best?


Voting for Best Sapphic Roommate Romance closes on June 8. We’ll announce the top three on June 12.


It can seem sometimes like all the news these days is bad. We won’t deny there’s a lot of troubling things going on, including a rise in hate crimes. But it’s not all terrible out there! We want to do our best to highlight good news, because while it may seem like the world is filled with hate, there are many individuals who are living their best lives with a rainbow in their heart.

This week’s good news involves Maine’s governor.

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) hasn’t received significant national attention since her election in 2018, but she has consistently been a strong ally to the LGBTQ+ community. In 2022, she decisively thwarted former Governor Paul LePage’s (R) attempted comeback, defeating the outspoken homophobe by a wide margin.

Mills has made significant strides for LGBTQ+ rights in Maine. She signed a ban on conversion therapy into law, championed a bill protecting trans Mainers from being forced to publicly out themselves when legally changing their name, and helped launch Pride Month celebrations by raising the Pride flag.

“This is a pic of Maine Governor Janet Mills and our granddaughters, Lydia and Eleanor, taken at the 2022 Portland Pride Parade,” Deb Dagnon shared with LGBTQ Nation. “As I was trying to get the girls to stand so I could get the governor in the background as she passed by, she saw what I was trying to do and came running over so I could get a good picture!”

Click here to see the picture.

That’s all for today.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Friday!

Miranda & TB

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Friday Feels Fun