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Ann McMan’s Getting Rec’d

Authors Getting Rec'd
Author Elena Graf recommends Dead Letters From Paradise by Ann McMan

Welcome to Authors Getting Rec’d! Each week, we’ll bring you a new sapphic book recommendation from a favorite sapphic author. Find out what authors are reading and why, plus read about the personal connections between authors and books.

This week, Elena Graf explains why Dead Letters From Paradise is a must read.

Elena first read this book on the recommendation of a friend, and they were right! The Southern setting of this work of historical fiction is a favorite for Elena, though she might have grabbed it any way just based on the blurb or on the author’s stellar reputation. Elena tells us that as she is prioritizing quality over quantity in her reading lists, Ann is one of those truly talented authors she will always make time to read.

Let’s hear more from Elena about why Dead Letters From Paradise is a must read:

I read a comment by the author that she wished her mother had lived to read this book. She also saw it as an example of “Southern fiction” and it’s very well done as such. I identified with the spunky young girl character, having been about her age during the time period of the novel. Ann is a phenomenally talented wordsmith. Her books never disappoint.

Tempted? You can get Ann’s book here:

Elena Graf is the author of The Imperative of Desire.

Here is why Elena thought their book might relate to Elena’s:

Like Dead Letters from Paradise, The Imperative of Desire is historical fiction. The young heroine is precocious and just won’t stay in her lane. The novel is a coming-of-age story of a brilliant aristocratic woman, who uses her privilege and advantages to carve out a life of service. Sometimes, she is in a position to (unsuccessfully) influence the course of history.

Thank you, Elena, for sharing what book is on your nightstand right now and paying it forward by showing some book love to a fellow SapphFic author!

About Elena Graf:

Elena Graf considers herself primarily a historical novelist, but she is probably best known for her Hobbs series, featuring a circle of mostly middle-aged LGBTQ friends in a small town in Maine. Two of the books in the Passing Rites series have won Goldies and Rainbow awards.

Visit Elena’s Website

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Authors Getting Rec'd