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Top Sapphic Books, DDale, Freebies, and More

Friday Feels Graphic
We’ve made it to another Friday and it’s time to celebrate!

Find out the top 3 sapphic books with the most clicks this week, 5 Random Things about sapphic author DDale, women loving women book freebies, and a beautiful dog named Charlie who fortunately found his family!

Ten Years of Lizzie

This week, TB released the latest story in the Lizzie series to celebrate TB’s 10-year writing anniversary. Woot!!!!

She sat down to write a post about what 10 years of Lizzie has meant to her and as it turns out, Lizzie has meant a lot. Reflecting on the past decade with such a memorable character made TB realize just how much she owes to Lizzie. Not only for launching TB’s writing career, but for the life advice she learned from Lizzie along the way.

One of the life lessons was simple, but also the hardest for TB to learn and sink in.

Find out more about that lesson here.


Please remember that sale prices listed in today’s post are valid for a limited time only and may change without notice. International prices may vary. Always check the price in your local marketplace before purchasing.

Most Clicked Books:

Random Things:

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5 Random Things is our way of helping readers to get to know top sapphic book authors all the while having a bit of fun.

Here are five random facts about DDale.

1. DDale is my high school nickname. I decided to use it as my fiction author name because I had delusions of grandeur about writing nonfiction under my given name. Three novels later, have I penned a single word of nonfiction? Nope!

2. I learned to ride a motorcycle when I was 42, but gave it up a few years later because my legs are short and I dropped the bike once too often.

3. I’m on my third career. The first 30 years I worked as a graphic designer — 20 of which as a partner in a small advertising agency. Then, at 51, I switched to copywriting and spent 13 years in the creative department of a small manufacturing company. Now, I’m happily retired and indulging my passion for writing sapphic fiction.

4. My wife and I were married on June 21 — the summer solstice in our corner of the world — so we would remember when to celebrate our anniversary.

5. We have a big garden and I start most of our vegetable plants from seeds. Problem is, I tend to overdo it. This year we planted 6 types of tomatoes and peppers, and 4 types of basil. What can I say? I like to experiment.

Have you read Full Circle or Inner Circle?

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Free Books:

Pet of the Week!

Meet Charlie!

Meet Charlie! We lost our rottweiler Isabelle last March. She was featured on here a month after she passed. We weren’t going to get another pet but a year to the day someone dumped a dog near our house and he was skinny and hasn’t eaten anything in a while. So we started feeding him and now we apparently have adopted him and named him Charlie. He loves running around and playing with the cows and with his toy ball. Submitted by Shannon, a reader.

That’s all for today.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Friday!

Miranda & TB

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Friday Feels Fun