Get ready to add books to your TBR pile!
As the end of the year draws near, we have one question we want to ask book lovers the world over. What were your top 5 sapphic reads of 2023?
Luckily our readers like to share! We look forward to passing along these recommendations to you daily into the new year.
It’s not too late to submit your own top reads and get in on the fun. Click here for the form. Our only rules are that authors may not submit their own books and your list needs to be new-to-you books that were read (not necessarily published) in 2023.
Here are Jamey Moody’s top sapphic reads of 2023:
1. Darkness Unknown by KC Luck
I don’t usually read dystopian fiction, but I read the first book in this series and Anna and Lexie became two of my favorite characters. I’ve read each book in the series and loved how this one let us catch up with many of the characters.
2. The Rules of Forever by Nan Campbell
Both Cara and Lauren had me rooting for them from the beginning. I loved getting to know them, what they wanted, and how they found it in each other. The are and Emily Dickinson’s poetry were an added bonus.
3. Glitch by Erin Zak and Jackie D
I read this book because I listen to the authors’ podcast The Weekly Wine Down. I’m not a big sci fi reader, but this book was engaging from the beginning. I could actually feel the longing the characters experienced as well as their relief at times. I was rooting for both characters. I can’t wait for the next book.
4. The Missing Piece by Kat Jackson
What an emotional ride. Kat did a wonderful job showing Renee’s growth through the book. Sometimes I wanted to shake her, but she finally figures it out.
5. Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey
I felt like a roadie on tour with rockstars. I loved the contrast in both characters and how they helped one another. I could picture the duet they sang through Rachel’s masterful words. A wonderful read.